This chapter reviews Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity-Building efforts under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda with a focus on trends in research and development (R&D), environmentally sound technologies (ESTs), Internet access, and official development assistance. It highlights the impact of rising R&D spending and global EST trade on technological progress, noting persistent income disparities, as well as the rapid expansion of Internet access alongside significant connectivity gaps, particularly in least developed countries. The chapter underscores the importance of international support for digital infrastructure and capacity building for sustainable development, highlighting the transformative potential of renewable energy, artificial intelligence, climate technology and other emerging areas that could reduce costs of a sustainable transition. Finally, it reviews the importance of data privacy, cybersecurity and equitable digital access for building resilient systems globally.
Global Outlook on Financing for Sustainable Development 2025

8. Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity-building
Copy link to 8. Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity-buildingAbstract
8.1. Data dashboard
Copy link to 8.1. Data dashboardKey trends
Research and development (R&D) expenditure as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) has risen globally since 2015 but has flatlined in developing countries.
Global R&D expenditure as a proportion of GDP rose by 12% since 2015 and 25% since 2000, reaching 1.93% in 2021. However, in countries most in need, the R&D share has remained flat since 2000, and in many, it declined in 2021 since GDP grew faster than R&D spending, particularly in the recovery period after the COVID-19 crisis (Figure 8.1).
Figure 8.1. Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
Copy link to Figure 8.1. Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
Source: Authors’ calculations based on UN (2024[1]), Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals - Report of the Secretary-General: Statistical Annex I and II,
Trade in tracked environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) has increased globally but decreased in least developed countries (LDCs).
Global trade in ESTs, which are technologies traded that are deemed environmentally sound according to specific sectors,1 totalled USD 2.36 trillion in 2020, an increase of 5% from USD 2.25 trillion in 2015. However, for LDCs, trade in ESTs declined by 43% from USD 15.28 billion in 2015 to USD 8.78 billion in 2020 (Figure 8.2).
Figure 8.2. Global trade in tracked environmentally sound technologies (ESTs)
Copy link to Figure 8.2. Global trade in tracked environmentally sound technologies (ESTs)
Source: Authors’ calculations based on UN (2024[1]), Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals - Report of the Secretary-General: Statistical Annex I and II,
The share of the world population using the Internet significantly increased since 2015.
Globally, the proportion of people using the Internet increased from 40% to 67% between 2015 and 2023, or by nearly 70% (Figure 8.3). In LDCs, the growth rate was significantly higher, with a threefold increase, from 11% to 35%, in the share of individuals using the Internet increasing2 (UN, 2024[1]).
Despite the rapid increase in the share of the population using the Internet in countries most in need, universal connectivity remains a distant goal in both LDCs and landlocked developing countries, where only 35% and 39% of the population, respectively, were online in 2023. In small island developing states, two-thirds of the population were online, in line with the global average.
Figure 8.3. Share of world population using the internet
Copy link to Figure 8.3. Share of world population using the internet
Source: Authors based on UN (2024[1]), Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals - Report of the Secretary-General: Statistical Annex I and II,
Key performance indicators
Total official development assistance (ODA) disbursements to science, technology and innovation (STI) increased from USD 7.69 billion in 2015 to USD 9.33 billion in 2022, reflecting 21.33% growth over this period (OECD, 2024[2]).. |
The global coverage of at least a 3G mobile network for the population notably rose from 78% to 95% between 2015 and 2023, approaching universal access. Coverage in LDCs also grew significantly from 53.2% to 82.0% over the same period. |
Fixed broadband subscriptions steadily increased at an average annual growth rate of 6.4% between 2015 and 2023, reaching a global proportion of 19 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2023 from 11 per 100 inhabitants in 2015. Progress has been faster in LDCs, with 1.8 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2023, more than doubling from 0.8 in 2015. |
The contribution of medium- and high-tech manufacturing value added to total value added has remained stable globally, accounting for 46.2% in 2021, 46.3% in 2015 and 45.8% in 2000. In LDCs, however, the contribution to total value added decreased to 8.4% in 2021 from 9.1% in 2015 and 14.5% in 2000 (UN, 2024[3]). |
Note: Selected quantifiable commitments. Annex Table 8.A.1 contains the full list.
Resource mobilisation potential
Increasing Internet access to 75% of the population in developing countries would increase these countries’ GDP by USD 2 trillion and create 140 million new jobs (Broom, 2023[4]).
Boosting women's participation in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, field could increase women's cumulative earnings by USD 299 billion over the next ten years (Tilghman, 2017[5]; Sayed, 2023[6]).
8.2. Key areas of progress
Copy link to 8.2. Key areas of progressProgress is being made towards universal and affordable access to the Internet by 2030
To bridge the digital divide, digital connectivity must be enhanced globally.3 Approximately 67% of the world’s population, or 5.4 billion people, were online in 2023, a nearly 50% increase since 2015 that was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Significant progress has also been made in expanding mobile network coverage. The global population coverage of at least a 3G mobile network increased from 78% in 2015 to 95% in 2023, nearing universal access. Coverage also grew substantially, from 53.2% to 82.0%, in LDCs over the same period. However, there is a significant digital infrastructure investment gap, with approximately USD 428 billion per year required to connect the remaining 3 billion people aged ten and older who are not online to broadband Internet by 2030 (International Telecommunication Union, 2020[7]).
Support to strengthen country-driven capacity building has increased
In 2022, development finance for capacity building and national planning reached USD 54.9 billion, a 50% increase over 2015, with significant support directed towards the public administration, health and financial policy sectors. Support to health policies and administration in developing countries increased by 26% to USD 6.5 billion, primarily in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowledge sharing is central to South-South and triangular co-operation modalities. From 2019 to 2022, South-South co-operation activities grew by 64%, though the total volume decreased from USD 12.8 billion to USD 10.4 billion. Triangular co-operation activities also rose substantially from USD 84.23 million in 2019 to USD 424.82 million in 2022, a 268% increase.
International flows in support of STI have increased, due in part to increased funding of medical research and COVID-19 control
Total ODA disbursements to STI increased from USD 7.69 billion in 2015 to USD 9.33 billion in 2022, representing growth of 21.33% over this period (OECD, 2024[2]). Since 2015, ODA to STI as a proportion of total ODA has generally increased, ranging from a share of about 0.9% in 2015 to a peak of roughly 1.6% in 2018, then stabilising at 1.2% to 1.4% from 2019 to 2021. However, estimates of ODA in support of STI vary as there is no internationally agreed methodology. For example, another OECD study found that total development finance supporting STI, including concessional and non-concessional financing from official providers and private philanthropy, averaged USD 14 billion annually between 2010 and 2016.
Among STI-related sectors, substantial portions of ODA consistently supported research and/or scientific institutions and medical research, with each accounting for approximately 0.2% to 0.5% over 2015-22. In 2022, total net ODA for basic health and medical research reached USD 21.1 billion, more than double the USD 10.5 billion in ODA allocated in 2015. COVID-19 response accounted for a significant share, or 42%, ODA for basic health care, with USD 8.8 billion dedicated to control and USD 1.6 billion specifically as COVID-19 vaccines donated by ODA providers. The Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) and its COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access, or COVAX, facility played crucial roles in distributing vaccines to low- and middle-income countries, although vaccine nationalism and delayed agreements limited the timely delivery of doses. By October 2022, only 25% of the population in low-income countries had received at least one vaccine dose in stark contrast to 72% in high-income countries. ODA disbursements from OECD DAC countries to developing countries in the information and communications technology sector more than tripled, from USD 68.9 million in 2015 to USD 246.0 million in 2022. Among other research categories, fishery research and educational research consistently received smaller ODA shares to the sector of less than 0.1% each from 2015 to 2021 (OECD, 2024[2]).
8.3. Persistent challenging areas
Copy link to 8.3. Persistent challenging areasThe concentration of innovation and investment stifles technological progress in developing countries
Innovation activity has been highly concentrated in a few countries, with the top ten countries accounting for at least 87% of global patent applications. This concentration is even more pronounced in specific sectors: 90% of patenting activity in smart manufacturing occurs in just ten countries, and industrial firms from just seven countries represent 90% of all patenting activity in green technology (UN, 2024[8]). Additionally, there is a significant imbalance in health research funding, with developing countries bearing 90% of the world’s disease burden but receiving only 10% of such related research funding (Sarewitz and Pielke, 2007[9]).
Global innovation trends tracked by the World Intellectual Property Organization in its 2023 Global Innovation Index suggest that investment in innovation produced mixed results in 2022. The number of scientific publications, R&D, venture capital deals and patents continued to grow, for instance, but at a slower pace than the exceptional increases observed in 2021. The contribution of medium- and high-tech manufacturing value added to total value added has remained stable globally, accounting for 46.2% in 2021, 46.3% in 2015 and 45.8% in 2000. In LDCs, however, the contribution to total value added decreased to 8.4% in 2021 from 9.1% in 2015 and 14.5% in 2000 (UN, 2024[1]).
An enhanced enabling environment and more strategic use of intellectual property rights could further unlock innovation, boost trade, attract investment and promote technological upgrading
Intellectual property rights have the potential to be a game changer for developing countries, including LDCs. In Cambodia, for example, the registration of premium pepper originating from the city of Kampot as a geographic indication helped farmers more than triple their incomes since 2010. Likewise, in Ethiopia, trademarking has contributed to a 275% increase in coffee exports since the early 2000s. However, an innovation gap persists: In LDCs, the average annual number of applications for trademarks was 2 197 between 2017 and 2021, far below the global average of 26 034 and the average of 24 789 in other developing countries. Annual applications in LDCs for patents and utility models, both of which protect inventors’ rights, totalled just 55 and 24, respectively, over the same period. LDCs, which often rank at the bottom of the Global Innovation Index, also have the lowest level of productive capacities and readiness to harness frontier technology (UNCTAD, 2024[10]).
The gender gap in global Internet usage persists despite progress towards parity
In 2022, 63% of women globally used the Internet compared with 69% of men. The gap was even wider in lower-income countries, where only 21% of women were online compared with 32% of men. In 2023, 65% of women and 70% of men worldwide used the Internet. The gender parity score worldwide, which indicates parity at between 0.98 and 1.02, has improved from 0.90 in 2019 to 0.92 in 2023. This score does not fully capture the extent of the divide since women, who make up about half of the global population, make up an increasing percentage of people who are offline; the gap between women and men not using the Internet stood at 17% in 2023, up from 11% in 2019 (International Telecommunication Union, 2023[11]).
Countries most in need, particularly LDCs, still struggle to narrow the costly digital divide
The Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2022-31 highlights STI alongside structural transformation as crucial for overcoming economic, social and environmental challenges facing LDCs. In LDCs, 18% of the population still lack access to 3G mobile broadband, and fixed broadband penetration remains low at just 1.8 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2023 (UN, 2024[1]). The cost of broadband access in LDCs exceeds the affordability target set by the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development (International Telecommunication Union, 2023[12]). Despite a more than threefold increase in digital connectivity from 11% to 35% between 2015 and 2023, universal access remains a distant goal in LDCs.
Efforts to improve digital infrastructure face numerous challenges including frequent Internet shutdowns due to political and security issues as well as unreliable power systems and other infrastructure shortcomings. There also are significant barriers related to usability, cost-effective technology and financial constraints (Walko, 2022[13]). Of the 32 LDCs assessed on the Global Innovation Index, 21 are in the bottom quartile, evidence of a persistent lag in innovation and adoption of new technologies. Limited infrastructure, insufficient financial and technical resources, and inadequate investment in education, skills development and STI R&D further contribute to the gap.
International mechanisms established to facilitate technology transfer to countries most in need struggle to secure funding
The United Nations (UN) technology facilitation mechanism (TFM) was established by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda in 2015. The TFM consists of four key elements: the UN Interagency Task Team on STI for the SDGs; the 10-Member Group of High-level Representatives; the annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs; and the TFM 2030 Connect online platform, which serves as a central hub for accessing information on existing STI initiatives, mechanisms and programmes (UN, 2022[14]). The TFM also supports the development of STI roadmaps. Six pilot countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Serbia and Ukraine) and two international partners (the European Union and Japan) have participated in the first phase of the programme since 2019.
The UN General Assembly agreed to establish the Technology Bank for LDCs on 23 December 2016 (UN, 2017[15]). To date, the government of Türkiye is the sole volunteer donor of the Technology Bank and provides USD 1.7 million annually, an amount that covered only 60% of staff costs in 2023 (UN, 2022[16]).
Notable efforts have been invested in technology transfer for climate. Technology-related climate development finance grew substantially from USD 13.3 billion in 2015 to USD 28.6 billion in 2019. During this period, the proportion of climate-related activities with a technology transfer component increased from 27% to 36% and mitigation-related technology transfer comprised 69% of the total technology-related climate development finance. The primary sectors targeted were energy, transport and storage, and agriculture. Debt instruments were the most frequently used financial tools for climate technology transfer projects, accounting for 68% of total development finance resources, while grants represented 30% and equity investments 2% of such tools (UNEP; OECD, 2022[17]).
8.4. New and emerging areas
Copy link to 8.4. New and emerging areasRenewable energy and climate technologies can help developing countries transition towards more circular and greener economies
Technological advances have significantly reduced the costs of some renewable energies, making them competitive with fossil fuels. For example, the cost of solar photovoltaic technology, which was 710% higher than that of fossil fuels in 2010, became 29% cheaper than the least expensive fossil fuel option by 2022 (UN, 2024[8]). Global trade in ESTs, which have the potential to significantly improve environmental performance relative to other technologies, increased but total trade of ESTs in LDCs dropped over the same period. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) remains the largest public sector funding source for transferring ESTs, with a record USD 5.33 billion pledged by 29 donor governments for its eighth replenishment cycle (2022-26) – a 30% increase over the previous cycle (Global Environment Facility, 2022[18]). Technology transfer has been a major component in most adaptation projects the GEF has carried out in LDCs, addressing climate resilience in diverse fields such as water management, disaster risk management, food security and agriculture, coastal management, and infrastructure development.
A shared digital future: generative artificial intelligence, data privacy and safety
The artificial intelligence (AI) market could add USD 15.7 trillion to the world economy by 2030, with the greatest economic gains of 27% in China (PwC, 2017[19]). For developing countries, the AI market presents opportunities in precision agriculture, medical diagnostics, teacher support and virtual tutoring, and efficient use of water and energy (Thapa, 2024[20]).
An analysis of 14 OECD countries indicates that the share of online vacancies requiring AI skills increased by 33% between 2019 and 2022 (Borgonovi et al., 2023[21]). Over 2000-21, nearly half of the 438 619 AI-related publications issued were published in just three countries: China, the United Kingdom and the United States (UNCTAD, 2023[22]). Many countries, especially the least developed ones, have been left behind, often confined to the role of being data providers (UNCTAD, 2023[23]). AI technology, however, present high-level risks, including the amplification of misinformation, increased harmful bias and discrimination, privacy breaches, and data governance risks at various levels (OECD, 2024[24]). The Global Digital Compact, adopted at the Summit of the Future with the aim of addressing such risks, is an initiative to establish common principles for a secure, open and inclusive digital future (UN, 2024[25]). It is expected to tackle issues such as digital connectivity, Internet fragmentation, data protection and the application of human rights in the online sphere.
Cybersecurity risks could cause disruption to financing for sustainable development
Cyberattacks are almost twice as frequent as they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. While most reported losses from these attacks are relatively minor, averaging about USD 500 000, the potential for severe losses (of up to USD 2.5 billion) and systemic disruption has grown significantly (IMF, 2024[26]). Cyberattacks against the financial sector in particular could threaten economic stability by eroding confidence in the financial system, disrupting critical services or causing spillovers to other institutions. However, cybersecurity policy frameworks, especially in developing countries, are often insufficient. For example, only about half of the countries surveyed recently by the International Monetary Fund reported having a national financial sector-focused cybersecurity strategy or dedicated cybersecurity regulations (IMF, 2024[27]).
Annex 8.A. Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity-building statistical annex
Copy link to Annex 8.A. Science, Technology, Innovation and Capacity-building statistical annexAnnex Table 8.A.1. Assessment of the action area: Science, technology, innovation and capacity-building
Copy link to Annex Table 8.A.1. Assessment of the action area: Science, technology, innovation and capacity-building
AAAA paragraph |
Commitment |
Specific target or objective |
Matching Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target (where available) |
State of implementation or progress made since 2015, using selected SDG or other relevant indicators (proxy) |
114 |
Promote information and communications technology infrastructure and rapid, universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing states (SIDS) and land-locked developing countries (LLDCs). Advance access to technology and science for women, youth and children while enhancing the availability of accessible technology for persons with disabilities. |
Yes Universal and affordable access to the Internet |
Target 9.c Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in LDCs by 2020 Target 17.6 Enhance North-South, South-South, and triangular regional and international co-operation on and access to STI; enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved co-ordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism |
SDG indicator 9.c.1 Proportion of population covered by a mobile network, by technology. In most developing countries, mobile broadband (3G or above) is the primary means of Internet access, available to 95% of the global population. However, the remaining 5% – especially in Oceania, sub-Saharan Africa and LDCs – still lack coverage, with gaps as high as 31% in Oceania and 17% in sub-Saharan Africa. In LDCs and LLDCs, 18% of the population does not have access to mobile broadband. These regions continue to fall short of SDG target 9.c, which aims for universal and affordable Internet access in LDCs by 2020 (ITU, 2023[28]). Since 5G deployment began in 2019, coverage has expanded to reach 40% of the global population in 2023. 4G serves as a strong alternative where 5G is unavailable, and 90% of the world’s population is now covered by 4G. Of those without access, 55% live in low-income countries (LICs); in these countries, only 39% of the population is covered by 4G or above, with 3G being the dominant and often sole technology for Internet access (ITU, 2023[28]). SDG indicator 17.6.1 Fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, by speed. Fixed broadband subscriptions globally continued to grow steadily at an average annual growth rate of 6.4% between 2015 and 2023. In contrast the growth rate of subscriptions in LDCs was at 10.7% over the same period, from 0.8 in 2015 to 1.8 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2023 (ITU, 2023[28]). SDG indicator 17.8.1 Proportion of individuals using the Internet. In 2023, 67% of the global population, or 5.4 billion people, were online, up 4.7% from 2022 and up 3.5% from 2021. While Internet use surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, growth rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels over the past three years. Universal connectivity also remains a distant prospect in LDCs and LLDCs, where only 35% and 39% of the population, respectively, are online (ITU, 2023[28]). For more information, see SDG extended Report Goal 9 and 17. |
115 |
Calls for the creation of multi-stakeholder partnerships to strengthen country-driven capacity building and human resource development (including for public finance, debt management, gender-responsive budgeting, financial regulation, climate services, etc.) in developing countries, including LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS, African nations, and countries in conflict or post-conflict situations. Strengthening institutional capacity and human resource development, emphasising the importance of national capacity-building efforts in developing countries across areas such as public finance, social and gender-responsive budgeting, agriculture, debt management, climate services, and water and sanitation. |
No |
Target 17.9 Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the SDGs, including through North-South, South-South and triangular co-operation Target 17.19 By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product (GDP) and support statistical capacity building in developing countries. |
SDG indicator 17.9.1 Dollar value of financial and technical assistance (including through North-South, South-South and triangular co-operation) committed to developing countries. Between 2019-22, the number of South-South co-operation activities reported under total official support for sustainable development, or TOSSD, increased by 64% from 5 558 to 9 092 while the total volume declined from USD 12.8 billion in 2019 to USD 10.4 billion in 2022. Triangular co-operation activities grew by 268% from 382 to 1 404. This was equivalent to USD 84.23 million in 2019 and USD 424.82 million in 2022 (OECD, 2024[29]). SDG indicator 17.19.1 Dollar value of all resources made available to strengthen statistical capacity in developing countries. The Partner Report on Support to Statistics by PARIS21 showed a resurgence in international support for data and statistics development, which amounted to USD 799 million in 2021, a 14% increase from 2020 and a 44% increase from 2015. Sub-Saharan Africa and LDCs received an increasing share of this funding. This renewed support helped mitigate pandemic-induced impacts on national statistical systems. For the first time, multilateral aid providers became the primary source of statistics funding in 2021. (PARIS21, 2023[30]). However, one donor drove most of the increase, with contributions from other donors decreasing, while funding for gender data remained low at USD 65 million. Funding is projected to increase by less than 5% for 2022. (PARIS21, 2023[30]) The INFF Facility, launched in 2022, provides technical assistance to and supports capacity building to countries preparing or implementing INFFs to enable them to bring innovations to scale in line with growing demand. (INFF Facility, 2024[31]). (See para 9 of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and chapter 4 for more on INFFs.) |
116 |
Incentivise research and innovation, recognise the importance of an enabling environment, including regulatory and governance frameworks, nurturing science and innovation (including social), the dissemination of technologies and industrial diversification, and the protection of intellectual property (including patent pooling). |
No |
Target 9.b Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for industrial diversification and value addition to commodities, among other things. |
SDG indicator 9.b.1 Proportion of medium- and high-tech industry value added in total value added. The contribution of medium- and high-tech manufacturing value added to the total value added has remained stable globally, accounting for 46.2% of the total value added in 2021, 46.3% in 2015 and 45.8% in 2000. In LDCs, however, the contribution to total value added decreased sharply to 8.4% in 2021 from 14.5% in 2000 and 9.1% in 2015. (UNIDO, 2024[32]). Patent and utility model applications by LDCs. While international patent filings in LDCs are increasing, these still represent a small portion of the global total. Between 2017 and 2021, LDCs averaged 2 197 trademark applications annually, far below the global average of 26 034. Annual applications in LDCs for patents and utility models, both of which protect inventors’ rights, totalled just 55 and 24, respectively, over the same period (UNCTAD, 2024[33]). World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Global Innovation Index and Tracker. The World Intellectual Property Organization’s 2023 Global Innovation Index, which uses 80 indicators to track global innovation trends in over 130 economies, found that results of investments in innovation were mixed in 2022. Scientific publications, research and development (R&D), venture capital deals, and patents continued to increase. However, growth rates were lower than the exceptional increases seen in 2021. In addition, the value of venture capital investment declined, and international patent filings stagnated in 2022. (WIPO, 2023[34]). |
117 |
Foster knowledge sharing and promote co-operation and partnerships among stakeholders – including governments, businesses, academia and civil society – in sectors that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. Promote entrepreneurship (ref. to business incubators); facilitate technology, knowledge and skills transfers; and protect traditional knowledge. |
No |
n.a. |
Official development assistance (ODA) to science, technology and innovation (STI). Total ODA disbursements to STI increased from USD 7.69 billion in 2015 to USD 9.33 billion in 2022, reflecting 21.33% growth over this period (OECD, 2024[2]). Since 2015, ODA to STI as a percentage of total ODA has generally increased, ranging from about 0.9% in 2015 to a peak of roughly 1.6% in 2018 and stabilising at about 1.2% to 1.4% from 2019 to 2021 (OECD, 2024[35]). ODA to ICT sector. Disbursements from Development Assistance Committee (DAC) countries to developing countries in the ICT sector more than tripled from USD 68.9 million in 2015 to USD 246.0 million in 2022 (OECD, 2024[35]). |
118 |
Consider using public funding to keep critical projects in the public domain and strive for open access to research from publicly funded projects where appropriate. Explore establishing innovation funds, on an open and competitive basis, to support innovative enterprises, particularly during the research, development and demonstration phases. |
No |
n.a. |
n.a. |
119 |
Increase investment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, education, and enhance technical, vocational and tertiary training, ensuring equal access for women and girls. Increase number of scholarships for students from developing countries to pursue higher education. Strengthen co-operation to bolster tertiary education systems and increase access to online education focused on sustainable development. |
No |
Target 4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations Target 4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular LDCs, SIDS and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries Target 17.9 See para 115. |
SDG indicator 4.5.1 Parity indices (female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, Indigenous peoples and conflict-affected as data become available) for all education indicators on this list that can be disaggregated SDG indicator 4.b.1 Volume of ODA flows for scholarships by sector and type of study The volume of ODA (gross disbursements) for scholarships amounted to USD 1.67 billion in 2022 compared with USD 1.39 billion in 2015. The volume in 2022 was 1.8% lower than the level in 2019, which was a peak year (UN, 2024[36]). SDG indicator 17.9.1 See para 115. |
120 |
Encourage environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including concessional and preferential terms (refer to environmentally sound technologies) Enhance international co-operation, including ODA, in support of more sustainable patterns of consumption and production, including through implementation of the ten-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns and particularly for LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and African nations. References sustainable consumption and production, ten-year framework programmes. |
Yes Implementation of ten-year framework programmes on sustainable consumption and production |
Target 12.a Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production Target 17.7 Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed. |
SDG indicator 17.7.1 Total amount of funding for developing countries to promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of ESTs. The global trade in tracked ESTs totalled USD 2.36 trillion in 2020, up from USD 2.25 trillion in 2015. However, for LDCs, ESTs trade declined from USD 15.28 billion in 2015 to USD 8.78 billion in 2020. (UN, 2024[36]). See para. 35 in the chapter 3 on international and domestic private business and finance for the latest progress report on the ten-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns (ECOSOC, May 2024) and the OECD report on climate finance provided and mobilised by developed countries in 2013-21 (OECD, 2023[37]). |
121 |
Support the R&D of vaccines, medicines and preventive measures for both communicable and noncommunicable diseases, with a focus on those that disproportionately affect developing countries. (ref. Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance) Increase investment and international co-operation in agriculture and technology to boost food security and productive capacity in developing countries, especially LDCs. (ref to plan and livestock gene banks) Increase scientific knowledge in marine technology for ocean health and marine biodiversity, particularly in SIDS and LDCs. (ref to Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) |
No |
Target 2.a Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development and plant and livestock gene banks in order to enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries. Target 3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential healthcare services, and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all Target 3.b Support the R&D of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and noncommunicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries; provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public health; and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all |
SDG indicator 2.a.2 Total official flows (official development assistance plus other official flows) to the agriculture sector. From 2015 to 2021, total official flows to the agriculture sector increased initially, peaking at USD 16.6 billion in 2020, before declining to USD 14.2 billion in 2021. For LDCs, flows rose consistently, reaching USD 4.0 billion in 2021. Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) peaked at USD 3.5 billion in 2020, declining to USD 2.9 billion in 2021. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) showed fluctuating trends, peaking at USD 0.6 billion in 2020, then declining to USD 0.4 billion in 2021 (UN, 2024[36]). SDG indicator 3.b.1 Proportion of the target population covered by all vaccines included in the national programme. In 2022, coverage for the third dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine increased to 84%, up from 81% in 2021 but still below the 86% level achieved in 2019. (UN, 2024[36]). Global immunisation efforts have saved at least 154 million lives over the past 50 years. For each life saved through immunisation, an average of 66 years of full health were gained, with a total of 10.2 billion full health years gained over the five decades (WHO, 2024[38]). At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the international community launched the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) to provide vaccines, tests, treatments and personal protective equipment to low- and middle-income countries, with the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access, or COVAX, Facility receiving the most funding (USD 16 billion in commitments) to purchase vaccines for LICs and LMICs through its Advance Market Commitment using donor-raised funds. Largely due to the vaccine nationalism of HICs, by the first quarter of 2022, COVAX had delivered just 1.4 billion of the 2.3 billion doses it aimed to distribute (Pushkaran, Chattu and Narayanan, 2023[39]). Most (60%-75%) of the delay in COVID-19 vaccine deliveries to LMICs was attributable to their having signed purchase agreements later than HICs did, which highlights the need for preparation and preparedness support. There were 92 LICs eligible to receive free doses and support thanks to more than USD 12 billion in donor funding for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance COVAX Advance Market Commitment. Nearly 90% of the nearly 2 billion doses provided through the Facility went to lower-income economies (GAVI, n.d.[40]). As of October 2022, only 25% of the population living in LICs, versus 72% of the population in HICs, had received at least one dose of a vaccine in contrast to 72% of the population in HICs (Duroseau, Kipshidze and Limaye, 2023[41]). SDG indicator 3.b.2 Total net ODA to medical research and basic health sectors. Total net ODA disbursements to medical research and basic health sectors was amounted to USD 21.1 billion in 2022 compared with USD 10.5 billion in 2015. For LDCs, total net ODA to these two sectors amounted to USD 6.4 billion in 2022, up from USD 4.9 billion in 2015 (UN, 2024[36]). ODA in support of COVID-19 pandemic activities. DAC donors spent 10.5% of their combined net ODA, or a total of USD 18.7 billion, on COVID-19-related activities in 2021, up from USD 16.6 billion or 10.2% of total DAC ODA in 2020 (OECD, 2022[42]). International finance in support of agriculture and technology in developing countries. From 2017 to 2021, food security and nutrition received less than a quarter of total ODA and other official flows, or an average of USD 76 billion annually, and only 34% of these flows targeted the primary causes of food insecurity and malnutrition (FAO; IFAD; UNICEF; WFP; WHO, 2024[43]). ODA alone in support of food security increased from USD 10.243 billion in 2018 to USD 11.650 billion in 2022 (OECD, 2024[44]). ODA in support of marine technology in developing countries. ODA in support of the ocean economy remained flat at roughly USD 2.6 billion in both 2015 and in 2021, though it spiked in 2017 to USD 5.6 billion (OECD, 2024[45]). |
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Strengthen coherence and synergies among UN initiatives such as the Commission on Science and Technology for Development, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Technology Mechanism, the Climate Technology Centre and Network, the WIPO’s capacity building, and the UN Industrial Development Organization’s National Cleaner Production Centres. |
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n.a. |
n.a. |
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Establish a technology facilitation mechanism (TFM), now set to be launched at the UN summit for adopting the post-2015 development agenda, that aims to support the SDGs (ref. to TFM ). |
Yes Establish a Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) |
Target 9.5 Enhance scientific research; upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing both the number of R&D workers per 1 million people and public and private R&D spending Target 17.6 Enhance North-South, South-South, and triangular regional and international co-operation on and access to STI; enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved co-ordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the UN level, and through a global TFM. |
SDG indicator 9.5.1 R&D expenditure as a proportion of GDP. From 2015 to 2021, global R&D expenditure as a proportion of global GDP increased from 1.72% to 1.93%, in line with a consistent upward trend apart from a slight decline in 2021. R&D expenditure in LDCs remained very low at 0.27% from 2015 to 2021 (UN, 2024[36]). Enhance international co-operation and co-ordination through a global TFM. The UN TFM was established by the AAAA in 2015 and reaffirmed in paragraph 70 of the 2030 Agenda. The TFM consists of four key elements: the UN Interagency Task Team on STI for the SDGs, the 10-Member Group of High-level Representatives, the annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on STI for the SDGs and the TFM 2030 Connect online platform. The TFM also supports the development of STI roadmaps. Six pilot countries (Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Serbia and Ukraine) and two international partners (the European Union and Japan) have participated in the first phase of the programme since 2019. For more information, see the UN TFM platform. |
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Await the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on the feasibility and operations of a proposed technology bank and innovation capacity-building mechanism for LDCs. Consider its advice on the bank’s scope, functions, and organisation, aiming to make it operational by 2017, while fostering synergies with the TFM. (ref to the Technology Bank for LDCs). |
Yes Operationalise the Technology Bank and STI capacity-building mechanism for LDCs by 2017. |
Target 17.8 Fully operationalise the Technology Bank and STI capacity-building mechanism for LDCs by 2017 and enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular ICT |
The UN General Assembly approved the establishment of the Technology Bank for LDCs on 23 December 2016 (UN, 2017[46]). To date, the government of Türkiye is the sole volunteer donor of the Bank, providing USD 1.7 million annually, an amount that covered only 60% of staff costs in 2023 (UN, n.d.[47]). The Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2021-2030, endorsed by the UN General Assembly in March 2022, calls for the Technology Bank to serve as “a focal point” for LDCs “to strengthen their science, technology and innovation capacity towards building sustainable productive capacities and promoting structural economic transformation”. The support that the Technology Bank provides to LDCs is currently focused in four thematic areas – agriculture, environment, health and education – that are derived from the 14 technology needs assessments that the Bank has completed to date. For more information, see the Technology Bank for LDCs platform. |
Note: The data points are mainly drawn from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Extended Report 2024 and its statistical annexes. Trend data in are in constant USD 2015 prices unless otherwise indicated.
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[40] GAVI (n.d.), The global pooled procurement and distribution mechanism at the heart of COVAX.,
[18] Global Environment Facility (2022), Funding - GEF-8 Replenishment (webpage), (accessed on 11 December 2024).
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[2] OECD (2024), OECD Data Explorer, Creditor Reporting System: DAC5: Aid (ODA) by sector and provider (database), (accessed on 10 November 2024).
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[37] OECD (2023), Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by Developed Countries in 2013-2021: Aggregate Trends and Opportunities for Scaling Up Adaptation and Mobilised Private Finance, Climate Finance and the USD 100 Billion Goal, OECD Publishing, Paris,
[42] OECD (2022), COVID-19 assistance to developing countries lifts foreign aid in 2021 - OECD,
[30] PARIS21 (2023), The PARIS21 Partner Report on Support to Statistics,
[39] Pushkaran, A., V. Chattu and P. Narayanan (2023), “A critical analysis of COVAX alliance and corresponding global health governance and policy issues: a scoping review”, BMJ Global Health, Vol. 8/10, p. e012168,
[19] PwC (2017), Sizing the Prize: What’s the Real Value of AI for Your Business and How Can You Capitalise?,
[9] Sarewitz, D. and R. Pielke (2007), “The neglected heart of science policy: Reconciling supply of and demand for science”, Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 10/1, pp. 5-16,
[6] Sayed, Z. (2023), The STEM Skills Gap: A Growing Challenge for Countries to Overcome, HRForcast, Munich,
[20] Thapa, R. (2024), Developing AI for development, World Bank, Washington, DC, (accessed on 11 December 2024).
[5] Tilghman, G. (2017), “Girls’ STEM education can drive economic growth”, CFR Voices from the Field blog,
[8] UN (2024), Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2024: Financing for Development at a Crossroads, United Nations Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development, New York,
[25] UN (2024), Global Digital Compact, United Nations General Assembly, New York,
[36] UN (2024), Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals - Report of the Secretary-General: Statistical Annex, United Nations Economic and Social Council, New York,
[1] UN (2024), Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals - Report of the Secretary-General: Statistical Annex I and II, United Nations Economic and Social Council, New York,
[3] UN (2024), Statistical Annex I and II: SDG Report 2024, United Nations,
[14] UN (2022), The UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism - Informal note by the Secretariat on the first phase (2015-2022) and food for thought on the way forward, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York,
[16] UN (2022), United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries: Strategic Plan 2022-2024,
[15] UN (2017), Resolution 71/251 - Establishment of the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries, United Nations General Assembly, New York,
[46] UN (2017), Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 23 December 2016, United Nations,
[47] UN (n.d.), United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries: Strategic Plan, 2022-2024, United Nations,
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Copy link to Notes← 1. EST sectors include air pollution control, wastewater management, solid and hazardous waste management, renewable energy, environmentally preferable products, water supply and sanitation, energy storage and distribution, and land and water protection and remediation. For more information, see
← 2. The source for these figures is the authors based on
← 3. SDG target 9.c is to “significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020”.