Social policy addresses social needs and protects people against risks, such as unemployment, poverty and discrimination, while also promoting individual and collective well-being and equal opportunities, as well as enabling societies to function more efficiently. The OECD analyses social risks and needs and promotes measures to address them and improve societal well-being at large.
Policy area
Policy issues
Increasing life expectancy and declining fertility rates have resulted in rapid population ageing across many OECD countries. This trend is expected to intensify over the coming decades, with major consequences nationally and globally. Policy action is needed now to ensure that people can comfortably enjoy their later years without inequalities becoming wider both within and across generations.Learn more
The OECD’s work on consumer policy helps countries design and implement effective, evidence-based policies to safeguard consumer rights, protect vulnerable consumers, and empower individuals with the right information and tools to make decisions in complex and transforming markets.Learn more
Effective social policy protects individuals and their families, and helps them lead a fulfilling life. We identify policies that help individuals and their families, and make societies and economies work more effectively.Learn more
Despite progress in recent years, more work needs to be done across all OECD countries to secure gender equality, with women and girls still facing inappropriate disadvantages and barriers in most spheres of social and economic life. Gender equality must remain a priority, as a matter of basic human rights and long-term economic wellbeing and prosperity. It drives economic growth, strengthens democracy, enhances social cohesion and increases the well-being of all members of society.Learn more
Housing plays a pivotal role in people’s lives, taking up a large share of household income while directly impacting personal health and well-being. At a country and global level, housing also has significant repercussions for both the environment and the economy. Sustainable housing solutions which consider affordability for individuals, as well as environmental and economic impacts, will be key moving forward.Learn more
People’s life chances can be strongly influenced by factors such as ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, their place of birth, or their parents’ socioeconomic status. The OECD provides governments with data and analysis to help design policies that address obstacles to ensuring equal opportunities for all.Learn more
Migration to OECD countries is at record levels, with migrants arriving for diverse reasons – to reunite with their families, to address labour shortages, or to flee conflict. Effective policies are necessary to make the most out of international migration, to help migrants integrate and build inclusive and cohesive societies.Learn more
Well-functioning pensions and insurance systems are vital for stable economies and individual financial security. In the face of challenges like population ageing and climate disasters, reforms are necessary to maintain the robustness and soundness of pensions and insurance systems. The OECD offers crucial guidance on system design, regulation, supervision, risk management, and retirement planning.Learn more
Social policy protects individuals and their families and helps them lead a fulfilling life, but not everyone receives the support they need despite social expenditures making up a large part of public spending. It is key that countries balance accessibility, inclusion and affordability to ensure the long-term sustainability of social protection.Learn more
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with concrete targets like ending child marriage everywhere, or ensuring everyone has access to affordable and reliable electricity. These goals are universal, meaning that all countries have committed to strive towards them. They aim to improve people’s lives all over the world, foster prosperity and protect the planet. To support this global endeavor, the OECD helps countries devise strategies, strengthen governance frameworks and measure progress towards achieving the Goals.Learn more
To understand whether policies are improving lives we need to look "beyond GDP" and consider a broader range of economic, social and environmental outcomes for people. This also allows to understand what matters to people and what drives their behaviours, providing another channel of action to policies. The OECD is leading efforts to develop indicators that measure the well-being of individuals, families, society, future generations and the planet at a time of deep changes and transformations.Learn more
Young people are grappling with the implications of the green and digital transitions, shifting demographics and uncertain economic prospects. Their trust in government is low and they increasingly report feeling lonely and isolated. Investing in whole-of-government approaches covering skills, quality jobs, social inclusion, mental health, and promoting their meaningful participation and representation will help them transition into adulthood and empower them to face the future with confidence.Learn more
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20 December 2024