The OECD promotes better policies for better lives in countries of all income levels. It works with public and private partners around the world to improve sustainable development outcomes, and encourage more effective, transparent development co-operation and financing.
Policy area
Policy issues
The OECD designs international standards and guidelines for development co-operation, based on best practices, and monitors their implementation by its members. It works closely with member and partner countries, and other stakeholders (such as the United Nations and other multilateral entities) to help them implement their development commitments. It also invites developing country governments to take an active part in policy dialogue.Learn more
Under its mandate to track and promote financing for sustainable development from various public and private sources, the OECD undertakes data collection and reporting, analyses flows and policies, and establishes statistical measurement frameworks. On that basis, the Organisation engages with governments and private actors, and recommends more efficient and sound approaches.Learn more
The OECD analyses fast-changing global and regional development trends, to help countries of all income levels design innovative policies that meet their needs and improve their populations’ lives.Learn more
The OECD works to help middle- and low-income countries strengthen their governance mechanisms, to improve the delivery of public services, meet their development goals and achieve the overall aim of poverty reduction. The OECD also promotes policies focused on preventing the outbreak of conflict and sustaining local and regional peace tracks.Learn more
Human well-being, freedom, and dignity are at the heart of development. The OECD helps advance inclusivity, tackle inequality, and eradicate poverty in low- and middle-income countries by promoting policies that ensure people’s basic needs are met and no one is left behind. This includes efforts to increase access to decent, formal work; fight hunger and malnutrition; extend social protection; and achieve gender equality.Learn more
Achieving the twin green and digital transitions will require an abundant and regular supply of critical minerals. The technologies enabling renewable power, electric vehicles, consumer electronics require access to critical minerals. Embracing a standards-based approach to mining should ensure favourable development outcomes through responsible and sustainable mining and enable the formation of resilient critical mineral supply chains.Learn more
Official development assistance (ODA) is government aid that promotes and specifically targets the economic development and welfare of developing countries. ODA has been the main source of financing for development aid since it was adopted by the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) as the “gold standard” of foreign aid in 1969. The OECD is the only official source of reliable, comparable, and complete statistics on ODA.Learn more
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with concrete targets like ending child marriage everywhere, or ensuring everyone has access to affordable and reliable electricity. These goals are universal, meaning that all countries have committed to strive towards them. They aim to improve people’s lives all over the world, foster prosperity and protect the planet. To support this global endeavor, the OECD helps countries devise strategies, strengthen governance frameworks and measure progress towards achieving the Goals.Learn more
Effective taxation is vital for development. An effective tax system not only raises revenues needed for funding public services, but can also support development goals, for example by helping combat illicit financial flows, reducing inequality through redistribution and addressing health and environmental objectives by influencing taxpayer behaviour.Learn more
Fast-growing cities are transforming the economic, social and political landscapes. This is especially evident in Africa where urbanisation offer significant opportunities to accelerate progress towards the 2030 and 2063 development agendas. The OECD provides vital data and policy analysis to assist decision makers in comprehending the impacts of urban growth.Learn more
DEReC is an extensive and unique resource with over 3,000 evaluation reports from development agencies, regularly updated to facilitate learning and provide evidence of effective practices.Learn more
Africa is the world’s next investment frontier, with a sustainable financing gap of about USD 1.6 trillion. To unlock investment opportunities, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the OECD are launching the African Virtual Investment Platform (AVIP). This platform will serve as the reference point for comprehensive, quality and timely data, information and analysis on investment in Africa.Learn more
The food economy accounts for one-third of West Africa's GDP and employs two-thirds of the population, in agriculture but also, increasingly, in mid- and downstream segments such as processing, transport, wholesale and retail.Learn more
Despite significant progress, gender inequalities persist in all areas of social and economic life. The discrimination embedded in social institutions – laws, social norms and practices – is a key driver of this inequality, perpetuating gender gaps in education, employment and health, and hindering progress towards rights-based social transformation. The OECD’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) measures such gender discrimination across 179 countries.Learn more
The OECD’s Multi-dimensional Reviews help policy makers design policies and strategies that promote development in a holistic sense, and do not simply promote growth. This takes into account the complementarities and interactions across policies and in doing so helps to identify the sequencing of policies needed to remove binding constraints to sustainable development and well-being improvements.Learn more
The Initiative is a global platform for policy dialogue and knowledge-sharing between countries from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. It aims at improving evidence and at identifying policy guidelines to support production transformation and sustainable and inclusive participation to local, regional and global markets.Learn more