Education and skills
Education is the foundation for better jobs and better lives and the cornerstone for more inclusive and resilient economies and societies. The OECD’s comparative data and analysis help governments anticipate the knowledge and skills required in tomorrow’s world and to design and manage their education and skills systems in response.
Policy area
Policy issues
The world of work is changing. In the face of digitalisation, globalisation, population ageing and the transition to a low-carbon economy, new jobs are emerging and skill needs in existing jobs are evolving. Adapting to these changes, through upskilling and reskilling, is crucial for adults to reap the benefits of the ongoing transformations and for business to adopt new technologies and work practices.Learn more
A good understanding of how learners progress from early childhood to adult education is essential for developing policies that benefit everyone.Learn more
Higher educational levels help unlock a world of economic and social advantages that extend far beyond the individual.Learn more
Equitable education systems ensure that every student can achieve their educational potential regardless of their personal or social circumstances.Learn more
Growing emphasis on quality and equity in education has prompted countries to implement assessment measures for students, teachers, schools and systems.Learn more
How much is spent on education and how it is spent varies greatly across countries.Learn more
Leadership in education is pivotal for raising school quality and creating environments in which teachers and school staff continuously improve their practice to support student learning and well-being.Learn more
Modern education governance requires efficient processes to ensure stakeholders influencing decision-making are effectively aligned.Learn more
Education systems must use robust evidence and creative thinking to innovate for the future.Learn more
Student learning environments influence their levels of engagement and educational outcomes.Learn more
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) helps policymakers identify trends, strengths and weaknesses in education systems.Learn more
The quality of teaching and instructors is the most important factor for effective learning.Learn more
The OECD’s programme on education and skills policy support policymakers in their efforts to achieve high-quality lifelong learning, which in turn contributes to personal development, sustainable economic growth, and social cohesion.Learn more
The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) provides and promotes international comparative research, innovation and key indicators, explores forward-looking and innovative approaches to education and learning, and facilitates bridges between educational research, innovation and policy development.Learn more
The OECD Indicators of Education Systems (INES) programme seeks to gauge the performance of national education systems through internationally comparable data.Learn more
PISA is the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA measures 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges.Learn more
The Survey of Adult Skills, a product of the PIAAC, measures adults’ proficiency in literacy, numeracy and problem solving.Learn more
TALIS - the Teaching and Learning International Survey - is the world's largest international survey about teachers and school leaders.Learn more
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Working paper20 December 2024