This 2025 edition of the Global Outlook on Financing for Sustainable Development was prepared under the overall leadership of Pilar Garrido, OECD Director for Development Co-operation (DCD). Olivier Cattaneo, Head of the Policy Analysis and Strategy Unit in DCD, and Rachel Morris, Policy Analyst, led the drafting of the report. Contributing authors were Clemence Decisy, Jieun Kim, with valuable research support by Apolline Greiveldinger and additional support provided by Gabriele Cristofaro.
The OECD’s inter-directorate Task Force on Financing for Development (FfD), under the guidance of Deputy Secretary-General Mary Beth Goodman, advanced technical and high-level meetings to prepare strategic guidance on inputs for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), led by Pilar Garrido with Carmine Di Noia, Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs (DAF), Ragnheiður Elín Árnadóttir, Director of the Development Centre (DEV), Manal Corwin, Director of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA), Alvaro Pereira, Chief Economist to the Economics Department (ECO), Jo Tyndall, Director for the Environment Directorate (ENV), Elsa Pilichowski, Director for Public Governance (GOV), Andreas Schaal, Director for Global Relations and Cooperation (GRC), Jerry Sheehan, Director for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Dominic O'Shea, Director for the Resource Management and Partnerships Unit (SWAC), Marion Jansen, Director for Trade and Agriculture (TAD), Romina Boarini, Director for the Centre on Well-Being, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equal Opportunity (WISE) Important comments and analysis were provided by members of the OECD inter-directorate Task Force on Financing for Development (FfD), including Yasmin Ahmad, Fares Al Hussami, Brilé Anderson, Catherine Anderson, Geraldine Ang, Silvia Appelt, Jose Antonio Ardavin, Wiebke Bartz-Zuccala, , Aussama Bejraoui, Eric Bensel, Marisa Berbegal Ibanez, Elena Bernaldo de Quiros, Francesca Bertolino, Thomas Boehler, Alexander Bohmer, Emily Bosch, Joao Paulo Braga, Monica Brezzi, Juan Casado Asensio, Raffaella Centurelli, Mario Cervantes, Cibele Cesca, Tea Cimini, Carlos Conde, Wouter Coussement, Rita Da Costa, Pietrangelo De Biase, Caio De Oliveira, Marc De Tollenaere, Antoine Dechezlepretre, Harsh Desai, Elise Desplanques, Ben Dickinson, John Drummond, Kerri Elgar, Marta Encinas-Martin, Abdoulaye Fabregas, Margherita Fadda, Chiara Falduto, Sam Foxall, Camilo Gamba Gamba, Valérie Gaveau, Carolina Guerra, Anibal Guerrero Aguilar, Alejandro Guerrero-Ruiz, Laura Gutierrez, Michelle Harding, Jenny Hedman, James Hermanson, Paul Horrocks, Tomas Hos, Renwick Irvine, Raphael Jachnik, Julian Kath, Georgina Kelly, Megan Grace Kennedy-Chouane, Anthony Kiernan, Anita King, Fatos Koc, Emilie Kothe, Benjamin Kumpf, Hirofumi Kyunai, Martina Lejtreger, Iris Mantovani, Virginie Marchal, Vasiliki Mavroeidi, Laura Mc Donald, Ida McDonnell, Louise Menard, Sebastian Nieto Parra, Jose René Orozco, Julian Paisey, Cecilia Piemonte, Jan Rielaender, Cécile Sangare, Nejla Saula, Rachel Sberro-Kessler, Kerstin Schopohl, Rolf Schwarz, Jens Sedemund, Vincent Siegerink, Ernesto Soria Morales, Tomasz Kozluk, Joseph Stead, Hector Tajonar de Lara, Ozlem Taskin, Tatyana Teplova, Harry Tonino and Jacqueline Wood. Additionally, Joelle Bassoul, Catherine Bremer, Karena Garnier, Masato Hayashikawa, Ola Kasneci, Henri-Bernard Solignac-Lecomte, Yumiko Sugaya and Lucia Zarama assisted in the production process. Susan Sachs provided editorial review.
Member states provided valuable inputs and comments, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Permanent Delegation of Italy to the International Organizations in Paris, the New Zealand Delegation to the OECD and the Permanent Mission of Austria to the OECD.