Employees are covered by both an earnings-related social insurance scheme and a defined contribution plan.
Pensions at a Glance Asia/Pacific 2024

Copy link to IndonesiaIndonesia: Pension system in 2022
Copy link to Indonesia: Pension system in 2022Key indicators: Indonesia
Copy link to Key indicators: Indonesia
Indonesia |
Average worker earnings (AW) |
IDR (million |
32.28 |
644.36 |
2067 |
41 261 |
Public pension spending |
% of GDP |
7.7 |
Life expectancy |
at birth |
71.3 |
81.3 |
at age 65 |
79.4 |
85.0 |
Population over age 65 |
% of working- age population |
12.2 |
32.6 |
Qualifying conditions
Normal pension age is 58 years in 2022 gradually rising to 65 by 2043, increasing by one year every three years. Retirement is not required and employees with 15 years of contributions receive a periodical pension benefit while those with less than 15 years get a lump-sum payment.
Benefit calculation
The pension benefit accrues at 1%. Past earnings are valorised with prices. Contributions are paid up to a monthly ceiling of IDR 9.1 million. The minimum pension after 15 years of contribution is IDR 363 300 per month, with a maximum benefit of IDR 4.36 million per month. Pensions in payment are indexed to prices.
Defined contribution
The Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) is a compulsory programme for all employees and retirees may opt for a partial lump-sum with a periodical payment until death or only a lump-sum. Employees contribute 2% of earnings and employers pay 3.7% of the payroll. The pension is paid as a lump sum or monthly up to a maximum of five years if the balance is more than IDR 3 million. For comparison with other countries, the pension is shown as a price‑indexed annuity based on sex-specific mortality rates.
Variant careers
Early retirement
It is possible to start claiming the pension at any age with a minimum of five years of contribution, if unemployed for at least 6 months.
Late retirement
The benefit may be deferred with no maximum age.
There are no credits for periods out of the labour market.
There are no credits for periods out of the labour market.
Self-employed workers are covered by the same system as for employees covering both the employer and employer contributions. The base used for pensions is after the deduction of social security contributions.
Personal income tax and social security contributions
Taxation of workers
There is a deduction of IDR 54 000 000 for a single individual. In addition, work-related expense is tax deductible, and the amount is 5% of earnings up to a ceiling of IDR 6 000 000. There is also a tax-deductible amount of 5% or up to IDR 2 400 000 for pension payments. Social security payments are tax deductible.
Taxation of worker’s income
The following table shows the tax rules applied to worker’s income:
Annual Income (IDR millions) |
Tax Rate |
Up to 60 |
5% |
Over 60 up to 250 |
15% |
Over 250 up to 500 |
25% |
Over 500 up to 5 000 |
30% |
Over 5 000 |
35% |
Social security contributions payable by workers
Employees contribute 1% of payroll to the pension plans and 1% to healthcare.
Taxation of pensioners
There is no additional tax relief for pensioners.
Taxation of pension income
The following table shows the tax rules applied to pension income.
Annual Income (IDR millions) |
Tax Rate |
Up to 50 |
Nil |
Over 50 |
5% |
Social security contributions payable by pensioners
Pensioners do not pay any social security contributions.
Pension modelling results: Indonesia in 2065 retirement at age 65 (men)
Copy link to Pension modelling results: Indonesia in 2065 retirement at age 65 (men)
Note: Real rate of return 2.5%, real earnings growth 1.25%, inflation 2%, and real discount rate 1.5%. All systems are modelled and indexed according to what is legislated. Transitional rules apply where relevant. DC conversion rate equal 90%. Labour market entry occurs at age 22 in 2022. Tax system latest available: 2022.
Source: OECD pension model.