Workers of an industry or establishment with 5 or more employees are required to be insured under earnings-related pension called employees’ old-age benefit scheme.
The model assumes that workers are covered by the earnings-related pension (EOBI).
Normal pension age for earnings-related private sector pension is age 60 for men and 55 for women with 15 years of contribution (relaxation is provided for those joining the scheme at older ages).
Benefit calculation
The pension is calculated as average monthly wages multiplied by number of years of insurable employment divided by 50. The indexation rule for pension in payment is discretionary and the model assumes price‑indexation.
Minimum pension
Minimum pension is PKR 10 000 per month from July 2023. Indexation for pension in payment is discretionary and the model assumes price‑indexation.
Old age grant
A lump sum of one month of the insured’s average monthly earnings for each year of contributions is paid for those with at least two but fewer than 15 years of contributions.
Variant careers
Early retirement
The earliest age at which men can start claiming pension is 55 and this is 50 for women.
The reduction applied is 0.5% for each completed month by which age at retirement falls short of 60 (55 years for women). This reduction is also applicable to the minimum pension.
Late retirement
It is possible to start receiving pension after normal pension age.
Personal income tax and social security contributions
Taxation of worker’s income
Chargeable income
0 to 600 000
600 001 to 1 200 000
1 200 001 to 2 400 000
2 400 001 to 3 600 000
3 600 001 to 6 000 000
6 000 001 to 12 000 000
Above 12 000 000
Social security contributions payable by workers
Employer pays 5% of the minimum wage (PKR 13 000) and employee pays contribution at the rate of 1% of minimum wage.
Taxation of pensioners
There is no additional tax relief for pensioners.
Taxation of pension income
All benefits received from the EOBI on retirement or death are not taxed.
Social security contributions payable by pensioners
Pensioners do not pay any social security contributions.