The Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) is an international platform whose Secretariat is hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). OECD/SWAC produces and maps data, provides informed analyses and facilitates strategic dialogue, to help better anticipate transformations in the region and their territorial impacts. Through our retrospective and prospective approach, we promotes more contextualised policies as levers for regional integration, sustainable development and stability. Our areas of work include food dynamics, urbanisation, climate and security.
Sahel and West Africa Club
The Sahel and West Africa Club (OECD/SWAC) promotes regional policies to improve the economic and social well-being of people in the Sahel and West Africa.
Who we are
How we work
The core objective of SWAC's mandate is to contribute to the effectiveness of the actions taken by its Members by providing them with data and informed analyses and facilitating strategic dialogue, to help better anticipate transformations in the region and their territorial impacts. SWAC’s outputs feed the formulation processes of contextualised policies as levers for regional integration, sustainable development and stability.
The Strategy and Policy Group (SPG) is composed of our Members who are responsible for governing and monitoring our work. They meet once a year to define SWAC’s work priorities, approve activity and financial reports as well as our Programme of Work and Budget. They also provide financial contributions for the implementation of our work programme and nominate our Honorary President. This position is currently held by Hadizatou Rosine Sori-Coulibaly. The SWAC Secretariat is in charge of implementing the work programme.
Our Members and financial partners are AFD (Agence française de développement), Austria, Belgium, Canada, CILSS (Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel), the ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Commission, the European Commission, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the UEMOA (West African Economic and Monetary Union) Commission and the United States.
Latest from SWAC
17 December 2024
29 November 2024
29 November 2024
16 October 2024
15-16 October 2024
What we are working on
Data and dialogue
For over 40 years, the Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC/OECD) has been crucial in leading the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA).Learn more
Africa is undergoing enormous territorial transformations driven by factors such as climate change, rapid urbanisation and a growing population. The Mapping territorial transformations in Africa (MAPTA) platform provides data and analyses to help policy makers design more effective and integrated development policies. MAPTA focuses on the three key challenges: climate change, security and gender equality issues.Learn more
Africapolis data platformLearn more
Rapid urbanisation across Africa brings opportunities, but it also puts pressure on transport systems. Rising emissions, pollution and congestion are just some of the challenges transport planners face. In the cities of Accra and Kumasi in Ghana, basic services such as markets, healthcare facilities and primary schools are out of reach for many people who walk and use popular transport - minibuses known as trotros. People who can afford cars opt for them, as they offer greater access to services, but they also represent the most unsustainable mode of transport. Policy choices are therefore crucial in shaping future mobility for more liveable cities in Ghana. Decision makers in Accra and Kumasi, alongside development partners, are reflecting on redesigning the transport system. To support this work, new data and evidence pinpoints four levers to help transport systems overcome rising emissions, pollution, and congestion, and at the same time improve quality of life, economic opportunities, and social inclusion for city residents.Learn more
The food economy accounts for one-third of West Africa's GDP and employs two-thirds of the population, in agriculture but also, increasingly, in mid- and downstream segments such as processing, transport, wholesale and retail.Learn more
29 November 2024
29 November 2024
16 October 2024
15-16 October 2024