Economic Outlook
The OECD Economic Outlook presents the OECD’s analysis of the major short-term global economic trends and prospects. The Outlook provides projections across a range of variables for all member countries, the euro area, and selected non-member countries. Two Interim Economic Outlooks give a further update on annual GDP and inflation projections for G20 countries, the OECD, euro area and world aggregates.

The OECD publishes four sets of macroeconomic projections every year. The two Economic Outlooks (EO), which are released in May-June and November-December, provide projections across a range of variables, including output, employment, government spending and revenues and prices, for all member countries, the euro area, and selected non-member countries, which include G20 countries that are not OECD members. Two Interim Economic Outlooks (IEO), usually released around March and September, give updates on annual GDP and inflation projections for G20 countries, the OECD, euro area and world aggregates.
OECD projections cover the current year, one year ahead and - in the November Outlook - two years ahead.
What's new?

Statistical Annex
The annex contains data on key economic series which provide a background to the recent economic developments in the global economy described in the main body of the OECD Economic Outlook. Data in some of the tables have been adjusted to conform to internationally agreed concepts and definitions to make them more comparable cross countries, as well as consistent with historical data shown in other OECD publications. Regional aggregates are based on time-varying weights.
Note on quarterly projections: OECD quarterly projections are on a seasonal and working-day-adjusted basis for selected key variables. This implies that differences between adjusted and unadjusted annual data may occur, though these in general are quite small. In some countries, official forecasts of annual figures do not include working-day adjustments. Even when official forecasts adjust for working days, the adjustment may differ from that used by the OECD.
Corrigenda for the current and earlier issues.
The data was released 4 December 2024.
Download the entire statistical annex in one click: PDF | Excel
Or download by theme on the boxes available.
All the data used to construct the statistical tables and to develop the Economic Outlook in general are accessible in the online Economic Outlook database on OECD Data Explorer.
Sources & Methods of the OECD Economic Outlook
General remarks:
- Key Facts about the OECD Economic Outlook
- Forecasting methods and analytical tools
- Economic policies and other assumptions
- Aggregation methods
Detailed sources and methods :
See also:
Country snapshots
- A - C
- D - I
- J - M
- N - R
- S - T
- U - Z