The economy is expected to grow modestly by 0.6% in 2024, followed by stronger growth of 1.8% in 2025 and 2.8% in 2026. Private consumption will recover from late 2024, supported by reduced debt servicing costs, rising real incomes, and improvements in the labour market. Inflation is set to remain below target until mid-2026. Private investments will be bolstered by gradually easing credit conditions and construction costs, and external demand. Unemployment is expected to decline steadily as labour demand rises.
The Riksbank has appropriately accelerated monetary policy easing amid rapidly falling inflation and weak domestic demand. The planned slightly expansionary fiscal stance will provide further support to the economy. Tapping into underutilised labour resources is needed amid an ageing population and high long-term unemployment. Structural reforms, such as relaxing rent controls and streamlining land-use planning to make housing more affordable in high-demand areas, would help improve labour market efficiency and matching.