GDP is projected to increase by 1% in 2024, 1.5% in 2025 and 1.7% in 2026. Continued reforms should support a more stable electricity supply and ease logistics bottlenecks, reducing supply constraints and increasing confidence. Lower lending rates will support investment. The pension reform and improved labour market conditions will boost consumption. The main risk for growth is a return of recurrent electricity power cuts. Declines in fuel prices and the appreciation of the effective exchange rate since early-2024 are reducing inflation in the near term. The increase in activity will increase inflation over 2025.
Continued commitment to fiscal consolidation will help limit further increases in public debt. Conditional on consumer price inflation, monetary policy will continue to ease over 2025, supporting growth. Stronger potential growth and fiscal sustainability would benefit from continued progress in reforms to state-owned enterprises, especially regarding energy availability and logistics bottlenecks. Easing highly restrictive regulation would support competition, dynamic firm growth and job creation. Reducing urban sprawl and improving public transport would support inclusion and access to jobs.