This report, developed with financial assistance from the European Union under the Technical Support Instrument supports Bulgaria's development of a comprehensive national skills strategy. It identifies key skills objectives, outlines actionable steps for policy implementation, and provides a framework for monitoring progress. Through this strategic guidance, the report aims to foster a more resilient, and future-ready skills system in Bulgaria.
Technical Support for the Development of a National Skills Strategy for the Republic of Bulgaria
Executive Summary
Skills are essential for enabling individuals and countries to thrive in an increasingly complex, interconnected, and rapidly changing world. For Bulgaria, addressing these challenges through a strategic approach to skills policies is critical. The country faces significant pressures from demographic shifts, digital disruptions, and persistent inequalities across social groups. To navigate these challenges, Bulgaria must implement forward-looking skills policies that enhance competitiveness and societal well-being.
In 2023, the OECD and Bulgaria completed the OECD Skills Strategy Bulgaria: Assessment and Recommendations report (OSS Bulgaria Report). The OSS Bulgaria Report provided a comprehensive assessment of Bulgaria’s skills challenges and opportunities, offering strategic recommendations for improving the skills of young people and adults, using skills effectively, and strengthening the governance of Bulgaria’s skills system.
Following the OSS Bulgaria report, the OECD and the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG Reform) co‑operated to provide technical assistance to Bulgaria as part of the Project “Technical support for the development of a National Skills Strategy for the Republic of Bulgaria”. This project, funded by the European Union under the Technical Support Instrument (TSI), aimed to operationalise the recommendations of the OSS Bulgaria Report.
This report compiles the first three outputs of the TSI project, each of which addresses a specific aspect of Bulgaria’s skills strategy. Together, these outputs form a cohesive and comprehensive guide for developing and implementing a national skills strategy.
The report highlights the need to improve youth and adult skills development, make better use of skills in the labour market, and strengthen governance. Key recommendations include establishing a Skills Policy Council to oversee implementation, securing funding for long-term initiatives, and creating a monitoring framework to track progress effectively.
Chapter 1 sets the stage by providing an overview of Bulgaria’s current skills landscape, including the challenges posed by demographic changes, digitalisation, and economic transitions. It highlights the critical need for Bulgaria to adopt a strategic approach to skills development and use.
Chapter 2 builds on the recommendations of the OSS Bulgaria Report to identify relevant skills objectives, performance benchmarks, and priority policy actions for inclusion in Bulgaria’s national skills strategy. It highlights critical areas where Bulgaria must focus to improve youth and adult skills, enhance skills utilisation in the labour market, and strengthen governance structures.
Based on the objectives and actions identified in Chapter 2, Chapter 3 provides detailed guidance for developing an Action Plan for Skills in Bulgaria. It outlines specific activities, instruments, responsibilities, timelines, and potential funding sources necessary to operationalise the national skills strategy.
Finally, Chapter 4 focuses on establishing a robust monitoring and reporting framework to measure the progress of the skills policy actions outlined in the earlier chapters. This framework is designed to help Bulgarian authorities evaluate the impact of their skills policies, make data-driven adjustments, and ensure that the national skills strategy remains responsive and aligned with the country’s long-term goals.
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