The governance of skills systems is inherently complex, involving a diverse range of governmental and non-governmental actors. As Sweden faces significant impacts from the digital and green transitions, it must establish effective governance mechanisms to align rapidly evolving skills needs with the supply of skills. This report was developed as part of a collaborative project “Strengthening the Governance of the Swedish Skills System” between Sweden, the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission, and the OECD, and funded via the Technical Support Instrument (TSI). The report compiles key outputs of this TSI project. It identifies key opportunities for improvement and presents related recommendations for Sweden in the following priority areas: i) Promoting co-ordination, co-operation and collaboration across the whole of government, ii) Engaging stakeholders throughout the policy cycle, and iii) Improving the skills data infrastructure.
Strengthening the Governance of the Swedish Skills System
Executive Summary
Strong governance arrangements are the foundation of effective policies for developing and using skills. In the context of the profound implications of the green and digital transition on economies, societies, and labour markets, skills policy responses must be evidence-based, fast and impactful. Sweden is not immune to the effects of the twin transition, and grapples with skills mismatches and shortages, which are a lag on productivity and economic growth. Addressing such skills pressures requires co‑ordinated action by multiple actors, including ministries, governmental agencies, non-governmental stakeholders and individuals.
The OECD and the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) co‑operated to provide technical assistance to Sweden as part of the project “Strengthening the Governance of the Swedish Skills System”, funded by the European Union under the Technical Support Instrument (TSI).
This report compiles four key outputs of the TSI project, namely: Situation analysis report, Analysis of opportunities for improvement in the skills data infrastructure in Sweden, Report on relevant international practices in the field of skills governance, and Recommendations on enhancing the skills governance system in Sweden. Together, these outputs provide guidance for strengthening the governance of Sweden’s skills system.
The report highlights opportunities for improvement in co-ordination, co-operation and collaboration between governmental agencies, ministries, regions, sectors, stakeholders, and other actors. Key recommendations include reforming Sweden’s Inter-agency Co-operation Structure for Skills and Lifelong Learning (Myndighetssamverkan för kompetensförsörjning och livslångt lärande, MSV), clarifying the roles of the Swedish regions in the skills system, strengthening the National Arena for Skills Supply, and adopting a strategic approach towards ongoing collaboration around Sweden’s skills data infrastructure.
Chapter 1 sets the stage by describing the context of the project and the aims and the structure of this report in more detail.
Chapter 2 provides a mapping of the governance of the Swedish skills system and the skills data infrastructure.
Chapters 3, 4 and 5 then respectively elaborate on key opportunities for improvement identified in the governance of the Swedish skills system in the following priority areas: i) Promoting co-ordination, co‑operation and collaboration across the whole of government, ii) Engaging stakeholders throughout the policy cycle, and iii) Improving the skills data infrastructure.
Finally, Chapter 6 outlines the lessons learnt from the project and next steps.
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