Real GDP growth is projected to strengthen to 4.1% in 2025 and 3.8% in 2026. Despite the on-going drought, private consumption growth should pick-up, supported by higher real incomes. The new Investment Charter and surging FDI inflows will support investment, industrial production, and export growth. Tourism will continue to grow strongly. Inflation has slowed considerably in 2024 reflecting declines in energy prices, though a mild upturn in headline inflation is expected after April 2025 given the ongoing partial withdrawal of butane gas subsidies. A prolonged period of drought could continue to weigh on agricultural output, rural employment, and household incomes.
Monetary policy easing should continue, while carefully monitoring price developments during the subsidy reduction process. The government should implement its fiscal plans to 2027, which imply a modest tightening, and reinforce the fiscal rule and budgetary framework. A package of measures to reduce informality, remove obstacles to female participation and to improve education and training would help to create more and better-quality jobs, building on existing efforts to boost social protection, labour market programmes and education reforms.