The report Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2024: The Geography of Generative AI examines the health of regional labour markets and provides new estimates on regional labour shortages. In addition, it provides new findings on the impact of Generative AI on different regions and workers. It examines how AI technologies can be leveraged to address critical labour market challenges and boost productivity growth.
Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2024 - Country Notes: Romania
The state of regional labour markets
Copy link to The state of regional labour marketsIn Romania the employment rate in 2023 varies across regions, ranging from a low of 57% in South East to 75.1% in Bucharest - Ilfov. This represents a difference of 18.1 percentage points, above the average OECD regional dispersion of 10 percentage points. The national employment rate in Romania stands at 62.9%, below the OECD benchmark of 69.4%.
By 2023, less than half of (3 out of 8) of regions saw their employment recover to at least pre-pandemic levels. In Romania, North West, North East, South East, South - Muntenia, and South West Oltenia employment did not return to pre-crisis levels. Bucharest - Ilfov experienced the greatest recovery for employment rates, surpassing the pre-pandemic level by 2.8 percentage points. Overall, employment rates are 2.4 percentage points below pre-crisis levels, a stronger recovery than the regional OECD average of 1.5 percentage points.
Over the past ten years, the gap in participation rates between prime-age and younger workers (age inclusion gap) increased in all out of 8 regions in Romania, on average by 9.6 percentage points. The age inclusion gap grew by 1.3 percentage points across OECD regions. The smallest increase in age disparities occurred in North East at 4.9 percentage points, while the biggest increase was in West by 14.6 percentage points. Over the same period, the gap in participation rates between male and female workers (gender inclusion gap) increased in 5 out of 8 regions. The gender inclusion gap increased by, on average, 1.4 percentage points. The biggest increase in gender disparities was in North East by 9.5 percentage points, while the biggest decrease was in West at -4.7 percentage points.
In Romania self-employment levels stand at 11.7%, below the OECD benchmark of 15.5%. North East has the highest share of self-employed workers at 21.6%. Bucharest - Ilfov, on the other hand, has the lowest share of self-employed workers at 4.9%.
In Romania, less than half (3 out of 8 regions with available data) have youth not in employment, education, or training (NEET) rates below the OECD benchmark of 16.8%, while the regional mean stands at 19%. The highest rate of youth exclusion is observed in Center at 27.6%, while the lowest rate is in North East at 11.7%. This underscores the uneven opportunities for youth across the country.
In 1 out of 8 regions in Romania, labour productivity is above the OECD benchmark. Bucharest - Ilfov leads labour productivity levels at 147% above the regional average. The lowest labour productivity is observed in North East at -57% below the national average. Annual labour productivity growth in Romania over the past ten years is at 2.4%, above the OECD regional average of 0.9%. The strongest labour productivity growth is observed in Bucharest - Ilfov at 6% annual growth, and the weakest in North East where labour productivity fell by 1.1% annually.
In Romania, jobs requiring high skill levels dominate in 1 out of the 8 regions. Bucharest - Ilfov stands out with the highest share of high-skill jobs (49.1%), above the OECD average of 44%. North East has the highest proportion of medium-skill jobs, above the OECD benchmark of 30%. The share of low-skill jobs ranges from 22.2% in Center to 32.7% in South - Muntenia, highlighting notable regional variation in job skill composition.
Skill mismatches are less prevalent in Romania than in the OECD overall: 22% of workers are in jobs that do not match their educational skill level, compared to 35% across OECD regions. This ranges from 34% mismatched workers in OECD to 19% in West.
Labour shortages across regional labour markets
Copy link to Labour shortages across regional labour marketsIn Romania, the extent of labour shortages varies by region. Taking labour market tightness (i.e. vacancies divided by unemployment), as a proxy, Bucharest - Ilfov is the region that faces the most severe labour shortages with 206% more vacancies per unemployed person than Romania as a whole. In contrast, South West Oltenia is the region that experiences the least severe labour shortages, as it has 69% fewer vacancies per unemployed person than Romania on average.
The following tightness estimates for green and ICT jobs come with a small change in the methodology. Rather than dividing vacancies by employment—as done for the aggregate tightness estimates—tightness for green and ICT jobs is estimated as the ratio of vacancies to employment in each occupational group, as information on an unemployed person’s last job is not available in most countries.
Romania experiences higher shortages for green jobs than for the average job. Specifically, there are on average 14% more vacancies per employed person in green jobs than for the average job in Romania compared to 29% in the OECD. Tightness among green jobs is highest in West, where green jobs show 55% more vacancies per employed person, and lowest in South West Oltenia, where green jobs are -18% tighter than the average job.
Romania experiences higher shortages among ICT jobs than for the average job, as there are on average 456% more vacancies per employed person in ICT jobs than in the average job in Romania. This compares to 117% higher ICT tightness in the OECD. Tightness among ICT jobs is highest in South East, where ICT jobs are 1007% tighter than the average job, and lowest in Bucharest - Ilfov, where ICT jobs have 146% more vacancies per unemployed person.
AI and automation technologies in regional labour markets in Romania
Copy link to AI and automation technologies in regional labour markets in RomaniaAI has the potential to transform local labour markets by boosting productivity, creating or destroying jobs, and changing the very nature of some jobs, including job quality. While the full extent of its impact is still uncertain, the effects on jobs or skills will likely be context- and place specific. This report explores both the observed and anticipated impacts of technologies, both AI and non-AI, as they mature and achieve widespread adoption.
Narrow-purposed technologies in local labour markets
Even before the emergence of Generative AI, the impact of automation technologies differed across local labour markets. This measure of risk of automation serves as a useful metric to examine the effects of narrow-purposed technologies, these are, technologies (digital or not) that are intended to help with or take over one or a few specific tasks. The metrics presented below explore the share of jobs at risk of automation given available technologies at the end of 2021.
In Romania, on average around 12.3% of workers are considered at high risk of automation, meaning over 25% of its skills and abilities are highly automatable. This is 0.300000000000001 percentage points more than the OECD average of 12%. This figure ranges from 4% in Bucharest - Ilfov to 23% in West (ROU).
Regional employment exposed to Generative AI
In Romania, on average around 20.4% of workers are exposed to Generative AI, meaning 20% (or more) of their job tasks could be done in half the time with the help of Generative AI. This is -5.6 percentage points less than the OECD average of 26%. This figure ranges from 14.7% in North East to 35.7% in Bucharest - Ilfov.
OECD regions previously only mildly at risk of automation are now significantly exposed to Generative AI and vice versa. There tends to be a negative correlation between the share of exposed workers to Generative AI and a region’s share of workers at high risk of automation.
The concentration of industries within or outside cities drives disparities in Generative AI exposure between urban and non-urban labour markets. Certain industries, such as financial services or technology development, often concentrate around metropolitan areas while non-metropolitan or rural areas tend to rely on industries with a different production structure, such as agriculture or manufacturing. Similarly, workers are also spatially concentrated with highly skilled workers often being more present in clusters in or around a few metropolitan areas.
The share of workers exposed to Generative AI is larger in Cities compared to rural areas by 24.2 percentage points, which makes cities 3.8 more exposed than non-urban areas. This gap is larger than average as across OECD countries urban areas are 1.8 times more exposed than non-urban areas.
OECD (2024), Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2024: The Geography of Generative AI
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The information in this document with reference to “Cyprus” relates to the southern part of the Island. There is no single authority representing both Turkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Türkiye recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Until a lasting and equitable solution is found within the context of the United Nations, Türkiye shall preserve its position concerning the “Cyprus issue”.
Note by all the European Union Member States of the OECD and the European Union
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