Many education systems are struggling to balance teacher supply and demand, while facing declining student performance and persistent inequities. In 2022, nearly half (47%) of school principals across OECD countries reported that teacher shortages were hindering instruction at the lower secondary level – up from 29% in 2015. Global demographic shifts, such as ageing populations and low birth rates, mean disruptions in teacher supply and demand are set to intensify. At the same time, rapid technological advancements, particularly in AI, are reshaping how people live and work.
The 2022 Ministerial Declaration on Building Equitable Societies Through Education, marked a commitment by OECD education ministers to develop policies that promote quality and equity in student learning. Achieving this vision requires bold action to reimagine education systems and support educators. Policymakers, teachers, and institutional leaders must work together to enhance, adapt, or even disrupt current practices to strengthen teaching quality.
Chapter 1 of this report provides a comparative overview of the challenges education systems face in attracting, retaining, and developing quality teachers in this evolving context. It introduces a policy roadmap for education systems, which is further examined in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 through selected international experiences.
This analysis draws on data from over 33 education systems, gathered through the Education Policy Outlook National Survey for Comparative Policy Analysis 2024 (EPO Survey 2024) and additional OECD data. While the central focus is on school-level education, the report also considers other education levels.