It is recommended that Viet Nam amend its legislation or otherwise take steps to ensure that enforcement provisions relating to effective implementation of filing requirement for CbC reporting are provided for as required by the terms of reference as soon as possible. This recommendation remains in place since the 2018/2019 peer review.
Viet Nam has a legislative requirement for local filing which is in effect despite Viet Nam not yet meeting all of the consistency, confidentiality and appropriate use conditions. It is therefore recommended that Viet Nam take steps to ensure that local filing only occurs in the circumstances permitted under the minimum standard1. This recommendation remains in place since the 2022/2023 peer review.
Viet Nam’s 2022/2023 peer review recommended that Viet Nam clarify that the annual consolidated group revenue threshold calculation rule applies in line with the OECD guidance on currency fluctuations in respect of an MNE Group whose Ultimate Parent Entity is located in a jurisdiction other than Viet Nam. Viet Nam has clarified that under its legislation local filing requirements cannot be applied in respect of a Constituent Entity (which is a Viet Nam tax resident) of an MNE Group which does not reach the threshold as determined in the jurisdiction of the Ultimate Parent Entity of such a Group, and the recommendation is removed.