Israel’s legislation provides that “The director will be entitled to oblige an entity in the multinational group…, which is a resident of Israel, to submit an ultimate parent entity report, even if it is not an entity required to report…”. This provision may impose a local filing obligation to any constituent entity of a foreign MNE Group which is a resident of Israel, regardless of whether the MNE Group meets the revenue threshold to file a CbC report. It should be clarified that local filing only applies to entities in MNE Groups where the threshold for filing a CbC report is exceeded.
Local filing can be required in Israel if the “exchange of information between Israel and the country where the ultimate parent entity report was submitted was suspended contrary to the terms of the competent authority agreement, or no information was received, for some other reason, from that country, regarding multinational groups that include an entity in Israel.” This provision may be interpreted in a broader meaning than the situation of a “Systemic Failure” under the term of reference. Under Israel’s legislation, local filing may be required in circumstances where there is non-filing of a CbC report in a jurisdiction, which would not constitute a systemic failure to exchange.
It is recommended that Israel amend its legislation or otherwise takes steps to ensure that local filing is only required in the circumstances contained in the terms of reference.