Georgia’s 2021/2022 peer review included a recommendation that Georgia amend the legislation to include the definition of a Group in line with the standard. Georgia has amended the definition and this recommendation is therefore removed.1
Georgia’s 2021/2022 peer review included a recommendation that Georgia publish the full content and format requirements of the CbC Report. Georgia has published the full content and format requirements of the CbC Report and this recommendation is therefore removed.2
Georgia’s 2021/2022 peer review included a recommendation that Georgia amend the legislation to include an effective date for the requirement to file CbC reports. Georgia has introduced an effective date and this recommendation is therefore removed.3
Georgia has introduced a local filing requirement as part of the domestic CbC Reporting legislation.4
It is recommended that Georgia take steps to amend legislation or otherwise ensure that the filing deadline is not more than 12 months from the end of the reporting fiscal year. This recommendation remains in place since the 2021/2022 peer review.