The Council is the OECD’s decision-making body. Composed of one representative from each Member Country as well as from the European Union. It is chaired by the Secretary-General, and provides the strategic direction for the Organisation and its work. An annual Ministerial Council Meeting, chaired by one or more Members, brings governments together to discuss the world’s major policy challenges and set the OECD’s priorities for the year ahead.
Organisational structure
OECD structure
The Substantive Committees
More than 300 substantive bodies propose solutions, develop standards, assess data and policy successes, and review policy actions. Focused on major policy challenges from climate change and the economy to trade and tax, specialists from countries, academia, business and civil society groups play a vital role in setting common global standards in public policy.
The Secretariat
The Secretariat, comprising more than 3,500 employees from across multiple directorates and led by the Secretary-General, carries out the work of the OECD from its headquarters in Paris. Economists, lawyers, scientists, political analysts, digital experts, statisticians and other specialists work with government experts to provide insights and expertise to help guide evidence-based policymaking in close co-ordination with Members.
Office of the Secretary-General

Corporate directorates
The Executive Directorate (EXD) provides corporate services, functions and management support to the OECD staff, senior leadership and Members in the areas of finance and budget, human resources, information technology, cybersecurity, conferences, translation, interpretation, infrastructure, security and risk management. EXD plays an important stewardship role of resources on behalf of the Secretary-General and is a key enabler of the OECD’s Programme of Work.Learn more
The Directorate for Communications’ mission is to increase the visibility and impact of the OECD’s work by promoting the Organisation’s data, analysis, and knowledge to stakeholders globally.Learn more
The Directorate for Legal Affairs provides advice and information on the legal, institutional and procedural aspects of the OECD's activities.Learn more
The Council and Executive Committee Secretariat (CES) serves the Council, the Executive Committee, the Heads of Delegation (HoDs) meetings, the Global Strategy Group (GSG) and the Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM).Learn more
Policy directorates
We support countries from around the world to shape and implement their global and domestic tax priorities, to ensure effective and inclusive international co-operation to tackle modern tax-related issues.Learn more
At the Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, we focus on people, places and firms. We help local and national governments unleash the potential of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises, promote inclusive and sustainable regions and cities, boost local job creation and implement sound tourism policies.Learn more
The OECD Centre for Skills supports countries to achieve better economic and social outcomes by providing advice on the development of skills throughout life and their effective use of skills in the economy and society.Learn more
WISE generates new data and policy approaches to improve people's well-being and reduce inequalities, mapping how human well-being is impacted by ecological, digital and demographic transitions.Learn more
The Development Co-operation Directorate provides data, analysis and advice on development co-operation and finance. Its guiding principles are transparency and accuracy. It works with members through one committee and several specialised networks.Learn more
The Education and Skills Directorate is one of twelve substantive departments of the OECD and provides policy analysis and advice on education to help individuals and nations to identify and develop the knowledge and skills that drive better jobs and better lives, generate prosperity and promote social inclusion.Learn more
The Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (ELS) leads the OECD’s work on employment, social policies, international migration and health.Learn more
The Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs assists decision makers to build sustainable economies by fostering transparent and responsible businesses, and fair and efficient markets.Learn more
We help governments design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to strengthen public governance, respond effectively to diverse and disruptive economic, social and environmental challenges and deliver on government’s commitments to citizens.Learn more
We aim to help countries better navigate the intricate challenge of optimizing science, technology, industry and innovation policies to foster more productive, resilient, and sustainable economies.Learn more
Our mission is to help policymakers understand the challenges they face. We support ministers to make decisions that make their countries better and assist governments as they work together to tackle global challenges.Learn more
OECD work on environment helps governments design and implement effective policies to address environmental issues, sustainably manage natural resources, and foster green growth. It examines the linkages between the environment and economic, sectoral and social aspects in relation to the key topics listed below.Learn more
The Global Relations and Cooperation Directorate helps co-ordinate the OECD’s relations with partner economies, regions, international organisations and global fora to ensure OECD standards and good practices have a global impact.Learn more
SDD compile and produce high-quality statistics and data through innovation, international collaboration and as part of a dynamic OECD data ecosystem. These trusted statistics form the foundation of the OECD’s evidence-based policy advice.Learn more
The Trade and Agriculture Directorate is one of twelve substantive departments of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and provides policy analysis and advice to help governments develop trade, agriculture, and fisheries policies that contribute to more inclusive and sustainable growth. The work of the OECD Secretariat is guided by our members through a committee structure in which analysis is planned, initiated, reviewed and eventually declassified.Learn more
We help developing countries and emerging economies find innovative policy solutions to promote sustainable growth, reduce poverty and inequalities, and improve people’s lives. We facilitate a policy dialogue between governments, involving public, private and philanthropic actors. Countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America participate as full members in the Centre, where they interact on an equal footing with OECD members.Learn more
Secretariats of entities within the OECD family
The IEA is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing authoritative analysis, data, policy recommendations, and real-world solutions to help countries provide secure and sustainable energy for all.Learn more
The International Transport Forum at the OECD is an intergovernmental organisation with 69 member countries. It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the Annual Summit of transport ministers. ITF is the only global body that covers all transport modes. The ITF is administratively integrated with the OECD, yet politically autonomous.Learn more
The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is an intergovernmental agency that facilitates co-operation among countries with advanced nuclear technology infrastructures to seek excellence in nuclear safety, technology, science, environment and law.Learn more
The Sahel and West Africa Club (OECD/SWAC) promotes regional policies to improve the economic and social well-being of people in the Sahel and West Africa.Learn more
MOPAN is an independent network of member states who work together – as responsible shareholders and funders – to improve the performance of the multilateral system, making it stronger, better and smarter. MOPAN is an expanding network of 22 members. Together, MOPAN members, observers and collaborators provide USD 100 billion in annual contributions to and through the multilateral system – the majority of the system’s ODA funding. MOPAN is therefore well-positioned to support member states to push for greater effectiveness in the multilateral system, helping organisations that they fund to become more fit-for-purpose, relevant and results-focused – through accountability and learning.Learn more
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) leads global action to tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing. The FATF researches how money is laundered and terrorism is funded, promotes global standards to mitigate the risks, and assesses whether countries are taking effective action.Learn more
The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) aims to improve the production, quality, availability, and use of statistics for informed decision making for sustainable development.Learn more