Our teams bring together highly skilled, diverse professionals from the OECD Member countries who contribute their knowledge and expertise to the delivery of management excellence. Our people include accountants, finance specialists, economists, human resources specialists, lawyers, talent management experts, data visualisation experts, procurement experts, translators, interpreters, architects, project managers, IT specialists and security specialists, to name a few. Together, EXD staff speak over thirty different languages and make up a diverse and motivated workforce.
Executive Directorate
The Executive Directorate (EXD) provides corporate services, functions and management support to the OECD staff, senior leadership and Members in the areas of finance and budget, human resources, information technology, cybersecurity, conferences, translation, interpretation, infrastructure, security and risk management. EXD plays an important stewardship role of resources on behalf of the Secretary-General and is a key enabler of the OECD’s Programme of Work.
Who we are
How we work
Together, EXD teams deliver a broad range of consistent, integrated corporate advice, services and functions through its four Services under the strategic direction and leadership of the Executive Director, with a focus on:
- Ensuring the safety and security of people, data, and systems
- Ensuring business continuity by delivering business critical functions and services
- Enhancing organisational resilience, via corporate improvement projects
- Advancing several, concurrent Member-led strategic priorities and corporate reforms
What we do
EXD/PBF provides integrated corporate financial advice to stakeholders and performs corporate and operational, service delivery functions to the Organisation in the areas of finance and budgeting. It plays an important stewardship role of the Organisation’s financial resources, on behalf of the Secretary-General. Key services delivered by EXD/PBF include:
- Co-ordination and strategic planning for the OECD Programme of Work and Budget
- Strategic advice and long-term financial planning
- Accounting, treasury and financial operations
- Calculation of scales of contribution and management of call-ups
- Invoicing and payment management
- Management of corporate IT systems for finance and human resources
- Voluntary Contributions management, reporting and review
- Corporate procurement advice and support
- Financial support, assistance, and training
- Transformative projects including automation of operations
- Maintaining the Organisation’s financial regulatory framework
- Ensuring long-term financial safety and sustainability
- Advancing and implementing major Member-led corporate reforms
- Supporting the Budget Committee and engaging with other governing bodies
EXD/HRM ensures that the OECD attracts and retains highly motivated, talented professionals, encouraging diversity and fostering staff well-being across the Organisation. EXD/HRM plays a key stewardship role of the Organisation’s human resources on behalf of the Secretary-General throughout the employment journey of staff at the OECD. Its responsibilities include:
- Providing oversight on the OECD’s strategic approach to people management from recruitment, on-boarding, learning, development, and career management to off-boarding
- Overseeing the performance management system and providing workforce analytics
- Delivering diplomatic liaison services with the host country in relation to visas, diplomatic licence plates and other matters
- Overseeing the medical, health insurance, and social services
- Delivering payroll and staff benefit services
- Delivering corporate policy reviews and major human resources transformations
- Implementing the OECD’s Human Resources Strategy
EXD/DKI is the steward of the Organisation’s digital assets and strategy, on behalf of the Secretary-General. While many IT assets are owned by, and housed in Directorates and Programmes, EXD/DKI provides the frameworks for digital security and the protection of corporate data, and it delivers the core IT infrastructure for the Organisation. Its responsibilities include:
- Management of key IT infrastructure and equipment
- Management of the OECD network
- IT risk management and digital security (including the delivery of policies, advice, and technical controls)
- Systems architecture and design
- Provision of corporate digital services including email, applications, and remote conferencing
- Delivering IT training, especially on security aspects
- Supporting core IT infrastructure, and operations to ensure business continuity and secure access in a hybrid work environment
- Supporting a corporate approach to data storage and asset disposal
As steward of the OECD’s infrastructure, EXD/CSI provides services that are essential to the day-to-day functioning of the Organisation, including conference facilities, office space, security, interpretation, translation, catering, and travel services. Key services delivered by EXD/CSI to the Organisation include:
- Providing conference management services for a large range of events, whether in-person, hybrid or virtual
- Delivering translation and interpretation services in the Organisation’s official languages (French and English) as well as other languages
- Ensuring the safety of Members, staff and visitors by means of security systems and the continuous maintenance of physical infrastructure
- Providing training and guidance to increase awareness among Members, staff and visitors with respect to security, event management, and occupational health and safety
- Providing travel services and advice for international missions
- Maintaining safe and efficient workspace environments, whilst promoting environmental sustainability
- Operating facilities management services, including cleaning and building maintenance, through an outsourcing model with selected third party contractors
Ana José Varela
Head of EXD/PBF
Daniel Fuster
Head of EXD/HRM
Simone Sergi
Head of EXD/DKI
Christine Norberg-Francille
Head of EXD/CSI