The OECD Directorate for Public Governance supports policy makers in both OECD member and partner countries, by providing a forum for policy dialogue and the creation of common standards and principles. We provide policy reviews and practical recommendations targeted to the reform priorities of each government. We provide comparative international data and analysis, to support public sector innovation and reform. Our networks include government officials as well as experts from the private sector, civil society organisations and trade unions.
Directorate for Public Governance
We help governments design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to strengthen public governance, respond effectively to diverse and disruptive economic, social and environmental challenges and deliver on government’s commitments to citizens.
Who we are
Policy areas
Democracies are under growing internal and external pressures, including political polarisation, the spread of disinformation and the rise of populism. We provide governments with policy solutions, data, expertise and good practices on the public governance challenges they face to help them preserve and strengthen their democracies, build trust in government and public institutions, fight mis- and disinformation, and improve government openness, citizen participation and inclusiveness.Learn more
Governments depend on dedicated and skilled public sector leaders and workers to translate policy goals into transformations that deliver results and resonate with citizen expectations.. Faced with new challenges, the capabilities of public servants and those who lead them are constantly required to adapt. OECD work in this area looks at how governments can develop and lead skilled, committed and trusted public workforces that are fit for the future.Learn more
The OECD helps governments tackle post-COVID challenges, prioritising strategic governance for green transitions, social cohesion, and equality. Reinforcing global commitments through capable governments is crucial. For effective governance and international cooperation, maintaining an impartial public service is vital. Governments, pressured to demonstrate outcomes and implement well-being-improving policies, need evidence-informed decision-making. Despite available evidence through public policy evaluation, its utilisation often remains challenging for governments.Learn more
Fighting corruption and promoting integrity in both the private and public sectors are critical to fostering an environment of trust and accountability, and conducive to sustainable and inclusive economic development.Learn more
Digital government explores and supports the development and implementation of digital government strategies that bring governments closer to citizens and businesses. It recognises that today’s technology is a strategic driver not only for improving public sector efficiency, but also for making policies more effective and governments more open, transparent, innovative, participatory and trustworthy.Learn more
Infrastructure plays a critical role in the wellbeing of people and in the development of countries and communities around the world. It enables the flow of goods, people and information, and provides services such as energy and water that constitute the foundation of our daily lives and economies. As such, infrastructure is essential to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate change. OECD work on infrastructure integrates a horizontal approach across multiple policy areas, from environmental policy to investment, finance, local and national approaches, and from the perspective of developing countries.Learn more
Governments today must be able to adapt to changing environments, work in different ways, and find solutions to complex challenges. OECD work on public sector innovation looks at how governments can use novel tools and approaches to improve practices, achieve efficiencies and produce better policy results.Learn more
Public finance is the economic field focusing on the financial activities of government entities at various levels. Our work examines government expenditures, including public services, infrastructure, social welfare, defence, education, healthcare, and more. These are outlined in the national budget, reflecting financial commitments to meet obligations and provide essential services. Our contributions aim to enhance governance, accountability, and fiscal policy discussions, addressing current challenges and preparing for the future.Learn more
Public procurement refers to the purchase by governments and state-owned enterprises of goods, services and works. It is a crucial pillar of services delivery for governments. As it accounts for a large share of the taxpayers’ money, governments are expected to carry it out efficiently and with high standards of integrity to ensure the quality-of-service delivery and safeguard the public interest.Learn more
Effective laws and regulations are a vital tool for policymakers to grow the economy, protect the environment and improve citizens’ lives. The OECD’s work on regulatory policy brings together leading global experts on better regulation, and provides advise to governments on how best to design, implement and review laws and policies to improve the well-being of society.Learn more
How we work
The Directorate for Public Governance collaborates with three committees composed of delegates from OECD countries which steer, review and help implement the work programme.
The Public Governance Committee assist Members and Partners in developing and implementing evidence-based and innovative policies that strengthen public sector institutions’ ability to promote systemic change as way to respond to economic, social and environmental challenges and thereby improve outcomes for citizens and strengthen democracy.
The Committee of Senior Budget Officials assists Members and non-Members in ensuring fiscal sustainability and effective and efficient resource allocations through proper budgetary governance and management from a whole of government perspective.
The Regulatory Policy Committee promotes strategic, evidence-based and innovative public policy outcomes by identifying, developing, and disseminating a global vision for regulatory policy and governance; supports efforts across the whole of government and within its branches, as well as in close co-operation with its international partners and organisations when relevant, to design and deliver in collaboration with those concerned effective, efficient, resilient and equitable regulatory frameworks; strengthens public governance through regulatory policy leading to high quality, fit-for-purpose laws, regulations, standards and self-regulations that ensure transparency, legitimacy, accountability and respect for the rule of law; and in the post-pandemic world, advocate for and support the development of an agile regulatory policy that enables governments to respond to the changing environment with more flexible regulatory systems that will be more resilient to future shocks.
The main objective of the Network of Senior Officials from Centres of Government (CoG) is to explore how the centre of government can most effectively support high-quality decision making, strategic planning, policy coordination, cross-departmental monitoring of policy implementation, strategic communication, and how governments can adapt to changing needs and priorities.
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Key publications
SIGMA is a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union. Its key objective is to strengthen the foundations for improved public governance, and hence support socio-economic development through building the capacities of the public sector.Learn more
Launched at the 2022 OECD Global Forum and Ministerial on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy, the Initiative provides evidence-based guidance and good international practices to help countries reinforce democratic values and institutions.Learn more
Questionnaires and guidelines for collecting data for the Government at a Glance Indicators and Government at a Glance for Latin America and the Caribbean.Learn more
The OECD Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting was launched at the One Planet Summit in Paris on 12 December 2017. It aims to design new, innovative tools to assess and drive improvements in the alignment of national expenditure and revenue processes with climate and other environmental goals. This is a crucial step in achieving a central objective of the Paris Agreement on climate change as well as of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – aligning national policy frameworks and financial flows on a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and environmentally sustainable development.Learn more
Strengthening institutions and building capacity for successful policy reforms in UkraineLearn more