Complete, consistent and balanced bilateral trade in services statistics are vital for the empirical analysis of international trade as well as for policy-making and trade negotiations. Unfortunately, such data are not readily available. This paper presents the work of OECD and WTO to build the Balanced Trade in Services (BaTIS) dataset, a complete and consistent trade in services matrix to serve as input for the compilation of the TiVA Inter-Country Input-Output Tables and as a tool for the analysis of trade patterns in general. This edition of BaTIS provides annual data for 2005-23, covering 202 economies, broken down by total services and 26 EBOPS 2010 service categories. This paper accompanies the dataset and describes its compilation methodology in detail, including the collection and cleaning of the reported data, the different methodologies used to estimate missing information, and the final balancing of the export and import flows.
The OECD-WTO Balanced Trade in Services Database (BaTIS)