To date, while there is no single anti-corruption strategy and no single government body responsible for mitigating integrity risks in the public sector, Spain has different institutions which have a mandate to mitigate the public integrity risks in their corresponding fields.
While there is no central body responsible for mitigating public integrity risks in lobbying, the Office of the Conflicts of Interest is responsible for the keeping and management of the Registers of Activities and Assets and Patrimonial Rights of senior officials of the General State Administration and examining the compliance with the regulatory framework in terms of conflicts of interest. Furthermore, the Data Office of the State Secretariat for Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service is responsible for the open data policy and the monitoring function, while the Council for Transparency and Good Governance is the autonomous and independent supervisory body responsible for public information. The General Comptroller of the State Administration (IGAE) is the internal supervisory agency of the state public sector and is the central harmonisation unit for internal control (IC) and internal audit (IA). The Department of Political Parties, under the Court of Auditors, which is the Supreme Audit Institution, has the specific mandate to oversee the financing of political parties and election campaigns.