TUAC takes part in a wide range of OECD events, from policy committees to Ministerial meetings. It works to shape international agreements and standards, recommendations and statements of the OECD, as well as the outcomes of the G7 and G20 processes.
TUAC’s aim is to influence policy in areas of greatest importance to trade unions. These include economic policy; employment and labour market policy; sustainable development and just transition; digitalisation and artificial intelligence; responsible business conduct; education and skills; and public governance. They also seek to help trade unions make best use of OECD recommendations and data in their own advocacy efforts.
Along with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), TUAC co-ordinates trade union inputs to the G7 and G20. On sector-specific issues, they work with the Global Union Federations (GUFs) and are a member of the Council of Global Unions. TUAC also collaborates with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the Council of Nordic Trade Unions (NFS).