The 2025 Annual Meeting of the OECD Local Development Forum will explore how communities can better harness their local assets to deliver economic and social transformation in light of the environmental, technological and geo-political transitions reshaping our economies. Given its own transformation, Barranquilla – Colombia’s “Golden Gate” – provides a compelling backdrop to discuss how public, private and social economy actors can work together to support place-based change.
Through dynamic plenary sessions, interactive workshops, and immersive study visits, participants will have opportunity to explore issues such as how coastal communities can transition to the green economies of the future, how to bring more young people and women into local labour markets, and how businesses can have stronger social impacts in their communities. As the first Forum held in Latin America, participants will take deep dives into the specific challenges and opportunities in the region, including addressing the high rate of labour market informality and leveraging the potential of the growing tech and creative sectors for growth and inclusion.