How to apply effective governance to harness the benefits of A.I. and mitigate its risks
Analysis and insights for driving a rapid transition to net-zero while building resilience to physical climate impacts
Standards and guidelines for development co-operation with concrete examples of their implementation
Policies on gender equality a driver of economic growth, democracy and social cohesion
As the trend towards the international dispersion of certain value chain activities produces challenges, discover policies to meet these
Enhanced transparency and exchange of information to put an end to bank secrecy and fight tax evasion and avoidance
Research and working papers with deep dives and findings
Policy recommendations and case studies
Resilience in uncertain times
Survey of Adult Skills 2023
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International statistical standards, manuals, handbooks and more
Data analysis and visualisations
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Country-level progress in combatting climate change
Inflation rates and their impact explained
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26 February 2025
26-27 March 2025
OECD多国籍企業行動指針は,経済,環境および社会の進歩に対して, 事業者が果たし得る積極的な貢献を認め,奨励する一方で,事業者の活動が, 労働者,人権,環境,贈賄,消費者およびコーポレート・ガバナンスに関して 負の影響をもたらす可能性があることも認識している。 本ガイダンスは,責任ある企業行動に関するデュー・ディリジェンスを 事業者が理解し,実施するうえで役立つ。また,ガイダンスは, 責任ある企業行動について,政府およびステークホルダー間における 共通理解の促進も意図している。