Le programme de développement de l'Amérique latine est sous-financé. La région a besoin de 99 milliards d'USD supplémentaires par an pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable, et la marge de manœuvre budgétaire est étroite. Pour combler cet écart, les pays d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes doivent améliorer la manière dont ils collectent les impôts, dépensent les fonds publics et gèrent la dette. Certains pays de la région consacrent plus d'argent au remboursement de leur dette qu'à l'éducation ; une meilleure gestion de la dette peut libérer des fonds pour le développement. La réalisation du programme de développement de la région nécessite également davantage d'investissements privés, grâce à des marchés financiers plus profonds, plus inclusifs et plus efficaces. Une intégration régionale plus étroite peut également contribuer à la mobilisation des ressources.
Stratégies de développement de l'Amérique latine
Les économies latino-américaines ont besoin de nouveaux modèles de croissance pour atteindre le statut de pays à haut revenu, augmenter leur productivité et renforcer leurs classes moyennes émergentes. Pour les aider à identifier des options nouvelles, l'OCDE stimule un dialogue ouvert entre les décideurs politiques de la région, leurs partenaires internationaux et les investisseurs. Elle soutient également les efforts de réforme par des travaux thématiques et spécifiques à chaque pays.
Messages clés
Face à la difficulté de concilier objectifs économiques, sociaux et environnementaux, les décideurs d'Amérique latine ont besoin de stratégies multisectorielles innovantes pour garantir que la trajectoire de développement de leur pays soit durable et que la vie des citoyens s'améliore. L'OCDE les aide à concevoir des politiques et des stratégies qui favorisent le développement au sens large, et ne se contentent pas de promouvoir la croissance, en tenant compte des interactions entre les politiques publiques dans divers domaines.
Les recettes publiques sont la principale source de financement du développement pour tout pays et une composante essentielle du contrat social. Dans de nombreux pays d'Amérique latine, l’enjeu est de rendre les systèmes fiscaux doivent plus efficaces et plus progressifs, afin d'accroître la marge de manœuvre fiscale des États et de lutter contre les inégalités qui érodent la cohésion sociale. L'OCDE travaille avec les administrations financières et fiscales de la région pour créer des bases de données fiables et comparables, améliorer la collecte et soutenir les réformes fiscales.
Mesurer l'économie informelle en Amérique latine
La faible croissance de la productivité est un défi structurel majeur en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes, et ce notamment en raison du niveau élevé de travail informel. Dans l'ensemble de la région, plus de la moitié des travailleurs de l'ALC (55.7 %) étaient employés dans l'économie informelle en 2022. Ces dernières années, 64.9 % des habitants de la région vivaient dans des ménages où au moins l'un des principaux soutiens économiques occupait un emploi informel, 42.5 % dans des ménages dépendant entièrement d'un emploi informel et 22.4 % dans des ménages où les soutiens économiques occupaient des emplois formels et informels. Les personnes vivant dans des ménages où tous les soutiens étaient des travailleurs formels ne représentaient que 25.1 % de la population.
Les recettes des économies d'Amérique latine et des Caraïbes augmentent depuis 30 ans
Malgré les baisses des ratios impôt/PIB provoquées par la crise financière mondiale en 2009 et par la COVID-19 en 2020 (de 0.8 p.p. et 0.7 p.p., respectivement), le ratio impôt/PIB moyen de la région ALC a augmenté de manière significative au cours des trois dernières décennies, passant de 14.6 % en 1990 à 21.5 % en 2022. Celui des pays de l'OCDE, quant à lui, relativement stable depuis 1990, demeure plus élevé que la moyenne de la région ALC, atteignant 34.0 % en 2022, soit 3.2 p.p. au-dessus de son niveau de 1990. La différence entre le ratio moyen de l'ALC et celui de l'OCDE s'est donc considérablement réduite au fil du temps, pour atteindre 12.5 % du PIB en 2022.
Perspectives économiques de l'Amérique latine
In order to fund their ambitious sustainable development agendas, Latin American and Caribbean countries need to expand their financing sources. This 17th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook proposes a series of policy options to mobilise the necessary resources, based on co-ordinated actions between policy makers, the private sector and their international partners. It argues that public resources should be invested more efficiently, tax better collected and debt better managed. Even with those improvements, private resources will be equally crucial, as public revenues will not be enough to fund the deep transformations the region needs. The depth, access, inclusiveness and efficiency of financial systems must improve further, especially for the benefit of citizens and smaller firms. Businesses need stronger capital markets to finance their long-term investment projects. The report’s recommendations include the use of innovative financial instruments; renewing the role of development finance institutions; reinvigorated international partnerships to mobilise external resources; and the adoption of a shared regional agenda to address the challenging international financing context.En savoir plus
Latin America and the Caribbean needs an ambitious and comprehensive investment agenda to embark on a stronger and more sustainable development trajectory. The 16th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook proposes ways to make this possible through co-ordinated actions by policy makers, the private sector and international partners.En savoir plus
What challenges and opportunities does the green transition entail for Latin America and the Caribbean? This 15th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook explores options for the region to recast its production models, transform its energy matrix and create better jobs in the process.En savoir plus
The Latin American Economic Outlook 2021: Working Together for a Better Recovery aims to analyse and provide policy recommendations for a strong, inclusive and environmentally sustainable recovery in the region. The report explores policy actions to improve social protection mechanisms and increase social inclusion, foster regional integration and strengthen industrial strategies, and rethink the social contract to restore trust and empower citizens at all stages of the policy‑making process.En savoir plus
The Latin American Economic Outlook (LEO) 2020 focuses on the role of digital transformation in helping to navigate through challenging times. The Covid-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on socio-economic conditions, accentuating the already complex scenario faced by a region with significant structural weaknesses. This unprecedented crisis comes at a time of high aspirations and reinforces the need to transform the very foundations of the development model in the region.En savoir plus
The Latin American Economic Outlook 2019: Development in Transition (LEO 2019) presents a fresh analytical approach in the region. It assesses four development traps relating to productivity, social vulnerability, institutions and the environment.En savoir plus
The Latin American Economic Outlook 2018: Rethinking Institutions for Development focuses on how institutions can underpin the foundations of a long period of sustained and inclusive growth and increased well-being. The report begins with an overview of the main macroeconomic challenges ...En savoir plus
The 2017 edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook explores youth, skills and entrepreneurship. Young Latin Americans embody the region’s promise and perils. They stand at the crossroads of a region whose once promising economy and social progress is now undergoing a slowdown.En savoir plus
The Latin American Economic Outlook 2016 is devoted to the evolving relationship between Latin America and China, as well as its prospects in the long term.En savoir plus
The Latin American Economic Outlook is the OECD Development Centre’s annual analysis of economic developments in Latin America. This edition's focus is on the role of education, skills and innovation.En savoir plus
This edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook finds stable growth but uncertainty with regards to the commodity boom. The special theme is logistics and competitiveness.En savoir plus
This edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook finds that the region has weathered the recent turbulence in the global economy with reletive strength. This edition focuses on the role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Latin America.En savoir plus
Latin America’s solid economic performance since 2003 has created the possibility of transforming the state for development. This year’s Latin American Economic Outlook examines the reform of the state in this context and recommends that Latin American states act now to deliver better services.En savoir plus
This year's Latin American Economic Outlook includes a macroeconomic overview of the ongoing economic recovery from the global financial crisis as well as an in-depth report on the middle class in Latin America.En savoir plus
The OECD Latin American Economic Outlook 2010 provides a fresh analysis of economic trends in the region with a particular focus on the role that international migration and remittances play in shaping the current context.En savoir plus
The 2009 edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook shows that governments in the region could do much more to exploit the ability of fiscal policy to boost economic growth and combat poverty and inequality.En savoir plus
This first OECD Latin American Economic Outlook provides original insights and comparative indicators on four key issues: fiscal performance and democratic legitimacy, pension fund reform, telecommunications access, and trade with China and India.En savoir plus
Statistiques des recettes publiques en Amerique Latine et les Caraïbes
This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2020 for 27 Latin American and Caribbean economies. Based on the OECD Revenue Statistics database, it applies the OECD methodology to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to enable comparison of tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among the economies of the region and with other economies.En savoir plus
This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2019 for 27 Latin American and Caribbean economies. Based on the OECD Revenue Statistics database, it applies the OECD methodology to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to enable comparison of tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among the economies of the region and with other economies.En savoir plus
This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2018 for 26 Latin American and Caribbean economies. Based on the OECD Revenue Statistics database, it applies the OECD methodology to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to enable comparison of tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among the economies of the region and with other economies.En savoir plus
This report compiles comparable tax revenue statistics over the period 1990-2017 for 25 Latin American and Caribbean economies.En savoir plus
Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean 2018 compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for 25 Latin American and Caribbean economies, the majority of which are not OECD member countries. The publication is based on the OECD Revenue Statistics database.En savoir plus
The Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean publication compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for a number of Latin American and Caribbean economies. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database, backed by a well-established OECD methodology.En savoir plus
This publication compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for a number of Latin American and Caribbean economies, the majority of which are not OECD member countries.En savoir plus
The Revenue Statistics in Latin America publication presents comparable tax revenue tax levels and tax structures statistics for a number of Latin American and Caribbean economies.En savoir plus
Événements associés
The International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean is a yearly high-level event that brings together policy-makers, CEOs, and experts from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe to discuss the region’s economic performance and share solutions to its development challenges. The Forum is co-organised by the OECD Development Centre, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the Agence Française de Développement.En savoir plus
The OECD’s Multi-dimensional Reviews help policy makers design policies and strategies that promote development in a holistic sense, and do not simply promote growth. This takes into account the complementarities and interactions across policies and in doing so helps to identify the sequencing of policies needed to remove binding constraints to sustainable development and well-being improvements.En savoir plus
The Initiative is a global platform for policy dialogue and knowledge-sharing between countries from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. It aims at improving evidence and at identifying policy guidelines to support production transformation and sustainable and inclusive participation to local, regional and global markets.En savoir plus