The Japanese government is committed to integrating multidimensional and cross-cutting evidence on well-being in its policymaking. The development of key performance indicators (KPIs) and the Cabinet Office’s annual Survey on Satisfaction and Quality of Life are notable initiatives.
Japan’s initiatives to integrate well-being evidence in policy making
Since 2021, key performance indicators (KPIs) related to well-being are integrated in policy development across the Japanese government. Since 2019, the Japanese Cabinet Office conducts an annual Survey on Satisfaction and Quality of Life, the results of which inform KPIs and policy agendas. In an effort to assess “overall life satisfaction”, the Survey actively integrates notions such as subjective well-being and work-life balance. Drawing on the OECD Well-being Framework, the Cabinet Office subsequently developed a national Well-being Dashboard. The Dashboard has been released annually since 2019.
Description and key outcomes
The Japanese Cabinet Office has conducted an annual Survey on Satisfaction and Quality of Life since 2019, with the aim of gaining a multifaceted understanding of the structure of Japan's economy and society and to make use of this understanding in policy management (including by using these data to inform the Cabinet Office’s KPIs). The survey measures “overall life satisfaction” as a summary indicator of subjective well-being, and also incorporates sector-specific levels of satisfaction that are complemented with objective indicators. These are presented in the Cabinet Office Well-being Dashboard, which spans 11 well-being dimensions (chosen with reference to the OECD Well-being Framework). In addition to national levels and trends, the data also allow for inter-regional comparisons, and are thus also intended for use by policy planners in local authorities.
Japan’s Basic Policies for Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform document, released in June 2021 by the Cabinet Office, stated that “Key performance indicators (KPIs) related to well-being should be established for various government basic plans”. Since then, the concept of well-being has become established in the public policy agendas of central ministries and agencies, and efforts are being devoted to understanding how well-being KPIs can be best employed in the Japanese national and local context. In July 2021, a Liaison Conference of Relevant Ministries and Agencies on Well-being was established to share information, strengthen cooperation and horizontally deploy good practices to promote well-being initiatives. The 11 ministries participating in the Liaison Conference have drafted plans, including KPIs, for achieving well-being.
In 2023, Japan held the Presidency of the G7, and fostered discussions amongst G7 Finance Ministries on the need for broader, multidimensional measures of welfare for informing policy. As a result, the 2023 Communiqué for the G7 Finance Track referenced the need to develop “multidimensional indicators for measuring welfare and explore operational tools to reflect such indicators in policymaking”.
Policy relevance
The purpose of the Survey on Satisfaction and Quality of Life and well-being KPIs is to develop a well-being perspective to inform policy management. The Liaison Conference of Relevant Ministries and Agencies on Well-being supports a coordinated approach to well-being across government.
Further information
Government of Japan (2021), 関係府省庁におけるWell-being関連の 基本計画等のKPI、取組・予算 [Well-being-related Plans in the Relevant Ministries and Agencies Basic plans and other KPIs, initiatives and budgets],
Japan Cabinet Office, Well-beingに関する関係府省庁連絡会議 [Liaison Conference of Relevant Ministries and Agencies on Well-being],
Japan Cabinet Office (2023), 満足度・生活の質に関する調査 [Surveys on Satisfaction and Quality of Life],
Japan Cabinet Office (2022), 満足度・生活の質に関する調査報告書 2022 ~我が国の Well-being の動向~ [Survey report on Satisfaction and Quality of Life 2022: Trends in well-being in our country],
Ministry of Finance Japan, G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting Communiqué,
OECD resources
OECD, How’s Life in your country? Country notes, Japan,
OECD (2023), Economic Policy Making to Pursue Economic Welfare: OECD Report for the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, May 2023, Japan, OECD, Paris.
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