The Sustainable Development Indicators report is an annual publication released by Belgium’s Federal Planning Bureau. It comprises over 80 indicators of well-being and development, designed to align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, and incorporates the previous set of indicators for monitoring national well-being and sustainability, the Complementary Indicators to GDP.
Belgium’s Sustainable Development Indicators and Complementary Indicators to GDP
The Belgian Federal Planning Bureau (FPB) has been tasked by law to report on sustainable development indicators for over two decades, through the Act of 5 May 1997 on the Coordination of the Federal Sustainable Development Policy, which was revised in 2010. In 2014, the FPB was entrusted with a new mission within the framework of the Act to report on Complementary Indicators to GDP, to measure quality of life, human development, social progress and the sustainability of the economy. Reporting on Complementary Indicators to GDP ran from 2016 to 2021 before being renamed Sustainable Development Indicators in 2022. The indicators were selected by the Interfederal Statistical Institute to track Belgium’s progress towards the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Description and key outcomes
The 2023 report comprises 82 Sustainable Development Indicators tied to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The indicators help to assess the country’s performances in each area, as well as the feasibility of some objectives in light of current trends. Twenty-five indicators contain a quantifiable objective, along with an implementation timeline.
Belgium’s performance in the United Nations’ third Sustainable Development Goal (good health and well-being) is monitored by both objective and subjective indicators, as published by the FPB. Examples include life expectancy, psychological distress, self-perceived health and life satisfaction. Other goals relevant to well-being include the eradication of poverty (United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 1), reduced inequalities (United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 10) and sustainable cities and communities (United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 11).
Complementary to the Sustainable Development Indicators, the Federal Planning Bureau has also developed composite well-being indicators across three dimensions of sustainable development: Here and now (Ici et maintenant, Hier en nu), Later (Plus tard, Later) and Elsewhere (Ailleurs, Elders). The Here and now indicator tracks trends in national well-being, including comparisons across gender and age groups. The Later indicator assesses the sustainability of national well-being based on the projected evolution of stocks in human, social, economic and environmental capitals. Finally, the Elsewhere indicator evaluates the impact of Belgium’s well-being performance on the world. It recognises countries’ interdependence in areas such as greenhouse gas emissions. These indices are also published in the annual report.
Policy relevance
Belgium’s Sustainable Development Indicators (and previously, Complementary Indicators to Well-being) provide a multidimensional and forward-looking overview of Belgian society, with a clear emphasis on well-being. Quantifiable objectives and associated timelines stress the importance of translating the report’s findings into policy action. Indicators also allow policy makers to identify areas in need of immediate action. For instance, the 2023 report flags 16 indicators for which objectives are unlikely to be met under current conditions.
Further information
Delbaere, Patricia and Pauwels, Johan, “Implementation of the Act on «GDP and beyond» Indicators and Evaluation of the Progress towards Sustainable Development Objectives”, in Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 2015/4 (Vol. LIV), p. 95-108,
Federal Planning Bureau, Sustainable development indicators website, (accessed 27 October 2023)
Federal Planning Bureau (2023), Indicateurs de développement durable [Sustainable Development Indicators 2023 Report],
Federal Planning Bureau (2022), Indicateurs de développement durable [Sustainable Development Indicators 2022 Report]
Federal Planning Bureau (2021), Indicateurs complémentaires au PIB [Complementary Indicators to GDP 2021 Report],
Joskin, Arnaud (2020), “Measuring wellbeing’s sustainability: Construction of four composite indicators to measure the wellbeing of the future generations in Belgium”, No. 2-20, Federal Planning Bureau,
Joskin, Arnaud (2018), “Mesurer le bien-être en Belgique - Construction d’un indicateur composite pour mesurer le bien-être actuel des Belges / Het welzijn in België meten - Opbouw van een composiete indicator om het huidige welzijn van de Belgen te meten”, No. 2-18, Federal Planning Bureau,
OECD resources
OECD, How’s Life in your country? Country notes, Belgium,
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