Revenue Statistics in Africa is an annual publication presenting comparable tax revenue and non-tax revenue statistics for countries in Africa in a common format from 1990 onwards. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database which is a fundamental reference for OECD member countries. Extending the OECD methodology to African countries enables comparisons of tax levels and tax structures, both across African economies and with OECD, Latin American, Caribbean, Asian and Pacific economies. Each edition represents a “snapshot” of the data at the time of publication; any further country amendments to the data will be shown in the relevant online publication dataset and metadata. The report is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre, the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) with the financial support of the European Union.
Revenue Statistics in Africa
Revenue Statistics in Africa is an annual publication presenting comparable tax revenue and non-tax revenue statistics for countries in Africa in a common format from 1990 onwards.
Annual | ISSN: 2617-653X (Online)