AIGE | Aéroport International Gnassingbé Eyadéma (Gnassingbé Eyadéma International Airport - Togo) |
AIT | Advance Income Tax (Malawi) |
ANICT | Agence Nationale d’Investissement des Collectivités Territoriales (National Investment Agency for Territorial Communities - Mali) |
APU | Administrations publiques (Public administrations - Cameroon) |
AR | Autorités Régionales (Regional Authorities - Mali) |
ARC | African Risk Capacity (Niger) |
ATAF | African Tax Administration Forum |
AU | African Union |
AUC | African Union Commission |
BCEAO | Banque centrale des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Central Bank of West African States - Niger, Togo) |
BELN | Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho and Namibia |
BIC | Bénéfices industriels et commerciaux (Industrial and commercial profits tax - Congo, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Togo) |
BN | Budget national (National budget - Mali) |
BNC | Bénéfices non commerciaux (Non-commercial profits - Congo, Guinea, Mauritania, Niger) |
CANAM | Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (National Health Insurance Fund - Mali) |
CBE | Central Bank of Egypt (Egypt) |
CEDEAO | Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Economic Community of West African States - Cabo Verde, Niger) |
CFA | Communauté Financière Africaine (African Financial Community) |
CGRAE | Caisse générale de retraite des agents de l’État (General pension fund for state employees - Côte d’Ivoire) |
CGT | Capital Gains Tax (South Africa) |
CIT | Corporate income tax |
CMSS | Caisse Malienne de Sécurité Sociale (Malian Social Security Fund - Mali) |
CNAM | Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (National Health Insurance Fund - Mauritania) |
CNPS | Caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (National Social Security Fund - Côte d’Ivoire) |
CNSS | Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (National Social Security Fund - Congo, Mauritania) |
CODEC | Contribution au développement économique ( (Contribution to economic development ( - Senegal) |
COHO | Commissariat à l’Organisation du Hadj et de la Oumra (Office of the Hajj and Umrah Organization - Niger) |
CPS | Contribution pour prestation de service (Contribution for service provision - Mali) |
CRF | Caisse de Retraite des Fonctionnaires (Civil Servants Retirement Fund - Congo) |
CRN | Contribution à la reconstruction nationale (Contribution to national reconstruction - Côte d’Ivoire) |
CSG | Contribution Sociale Généralisée (Generalized Social Contribution - Mauritius) |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility Tax (Seychelles) |
CSS | Caisse de Sécurité Sociale (Social Security Fund - Senegal) |
DCPF | Droits de conservation de la propriété foncière (Rights to conservation of land ownership - Togo) |
DDF | Domestic Development Fund (Botswana) |
DFS | Droit fiscal de sortie (Exit tax right - Mauritania) |
DGA | Direção Geral das Alfândegas (Directorate-General of Customs - Cabo Verde) |
DGCI | Direcção Geral de Contribução e Impostos (General Directorate of Contribution and Taxes - Cabo Verde) |
DGD | Direction générale des Douanes (Directorate General of Customs) |
DGDA | Direction générale des douanes et accises (General Directorate of Customs and Excise - Congo, Dem. Rep.) |
DGI | Direction générale des Impôts (General Directorate of Taxes) |
DGRAD | Direction générale des Recettes Administratives, Judiciaires, Domaniales et de Participation (General Directorate of Administrative, Judicial, State and Participation Revenue - Congo, Dem. Rep.) |
DGTCP | Direction générale du Trésor et de la Comptabilité Publique (General Directorate of the Treasury and Public Accounting - Niger) |
DND | Direction Nationale des Douanes (National Customs Directorate - Guinea, Mali) |
DNDC | Direction Nationale du Domaine et des Cadastres (National Directorate of Land and Cadastres - Mali) |
DNI | Direction Nationale des Impôts (National Tax Directorate - Guinea) |
DST | Digital Services Tax (Kenya) |
DT | Dividends Tax (South Africa) |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
EDRL | Energy Debt Recovery Levy (Ghana) |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone (Seychelles) |
EFL | Energy Fund Levy (Ghana) |
EGPC | Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (Egypt) |
EMTL | Electronic Money Transfer Levy (Nigeria) |
ETI | Employment Tax Incentive (South Africa) |
FA | Finance Act (Nigeria) |
FDD | Fonds pour le développement durable (Sustainable Development Fund - Mali) |
FER | Fonds d’Entretien Routier (Road Maintenance Fund - Guinea) |
FGS | Federal Government of Somalia (Somalia) |
FMS | Federal Member States (Somalia) |
FMV | Foreign Motor Vehicles Levy (Kenya) |
FSA | Financial Services Authority (Seychelles) |
FSH | Fonds de soutien à l’habitat (Housing support fund - Côte d’Ivoire) |
GEOGAM | Guinea Equatorial Oil and Gas Marketing, Ltd. (Equatorial Guinea) |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications (Guinea) |
HIPC | Heavily indebted poor countries (Madagascar) |
IATA | International Air Transport Association (Somalia) |
IGL | Impôt Général Libératoire (General tax - Chad) |
IGR | Impôt Général sur le Revenu (General Income Tax - Niger) |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMF | Impôt Minimum Forfaitaire (Minimum Flat Tax - Mauritania) |
IMF | Impôt Minimum Fiscal (Minimum Tax - Chad) |
IMP | Impôt sur marché public (Tax on public market - Madagascar) |
INPS | L’Institut National de Prévoyance Sociale (The National Institute of Social Welfare - Mali) |
INSESO | Instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social de Guinea Ecuatorial (National Institute of Social Security of Guinea Ecuatorial - Equatorial Guinea) |
IPRES | L’Institution de prévoyance retraite du Sénégal (The Senegal Retirement Insurance Institution - Senegal) |
IPVCI | Impôt spécial sur la plus-value de cessions immobilières (Special tax on capital gains on real estate transfers - Niger) |
IPVI | Impôts sur les plus-values immobilières (Taxes on real estate capital gains - Madagascar) |
IR | Impôt sur le revenu (Income tax - Madagascar, Togo) |
IRCM | Impôt sur les Revenus des Capitaux Mobiliers (Tax on Income from Movable Capital - Madagascar) |
IRNS | Impôt sur les revenus non salariaux (Tax on non-wage income - Madagascar) |
IRPC | Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas (Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas - Mozambique) |
IRPS | Imposto Rendimento de Pessoas Singulares (Imposto Rendimento de Pessoas Singulares - Mozambique) |
IRSA | Impôt sur les Revenus Salariaux et Assimilés (Tax on Wage and Similar Income - Madagascar) |
IRVM | Impôt sur le revenu des valeurs mobilières (Securities income tax - Niger) |
IRVN | Revenu des valeurs mobilières (Income from securities - Congo) |
IS | Impôt synthétique (Synthetic tax - Madagascar) |
IS | Impôt sur les societés (Corporate tax - Mali) |
ISB | Impôt sur les bénéfices (Profit tax - Niger) |
ITS | Impôt sur les traitement et salaires (Tax on salaries and wages) |
KAA | Kenya Airports Authority (Kenya) |
KEBS | Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kenya) |
KRA | Kenya Revenue Authority (Kenya) |
LGA | Local Government Areas (Nigeria) |
MDAs | Municipalities, Departments and Agencies (Ghana) |
MID | Maurice Île Durable (Mauritius Sustainable Island - Mauritius) |
MMDA | Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (Ghana) |
NASENI | National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (Nigeria) |
NESL | National Electrification Scheme Levy (Ghana) |
NFSL | National Fiscal Stabilisation Levy (Ghana) |
NHIL | National Health Insurance Levy (Ghana) |
NHIS | National Health Insurance Scheme (Ghana) |
NPF | National Pension Fund (Mauritius) |
NPRA | National Pensions Regulatory Authority (Ghana) |
NRL | National Reconstruction Levy (Ghana) |
NSF | National Savings Fund (Mauritius) |
NTIC | Nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (New information and communication technologies - Côte d’Ivoire) |
OCC | Office du Classement du Coton (Cotton Grading Office - Mali) |
OCIPEF | Oficina de control, Información y Promoción de las Especies Forestales (Control Office, Information and Promotion of Forest Species - Equatorial Guinea) |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OML | Oil Mining Leases (Nigeria) |
ONEM | Office National de l’Emploi (National Employment Office - Congo, Dem. Rep.) |
OPL | Oil Prospecting Licenses (Nigeria) |
PADSP | Prélèvement pour l’apurement de la dette du secteur pétrolier (Levy for the settlement of the oil sector debt - Togo) |
PAYE | Pay-as-you-earn tax |
PC | Prélèvement communautaire Cedeao (ECOWAS community levy - Mauritania) |
PGT | Paierie Générale du Trésor (General Payroll of the Treasury - Madagascar, Mali) |
PIT | Personal income tax |
PLL | Public Lighting Levy (Ghana) |
PMU | Société du pari mutuel urbain (Urban Pari-Mutuel Society - Mali) |
PNT | Ingresos petroleros no tributarios (Non-tax oil revenue revenues - Equatorial Guinea) |
PPTE | Pays pauvres très endettés (Highly indebted poor countries - Mali) |
PTF | Police Trust Fund (Nigeria) |
RAF | Road Accident Fund (South Africa) |
RDP | Reconstruction and Development Fund Programme (South Africa) |
RER | Redevance entretien routier (Road maintenance fee - Guinea) |
RER | Redevance d’Exploitation (Operating Fee - Mauritania) |
RFL | Road Fund Levy (Ghana) |
RM | Redevance minière (Mining royalty - Niger) |
RSE | Taxe de responsabilité sociale des entreprises (Corporate social responsibility tax - Seychelles) |
RTI | Radiodiffusion télévision ivoirienne (Ivorian television broadcasting - Côte d’Ivoire) |
RUC | Road User Charge (Sierra Leone) |
RUTEL | Redevance sur l’accès ou l’utilisation du réseau des télécommunications publiques (Fee for access to or use of the public telecommunications network - Senegal) |
SACU | Southern African Customs Union |
SARL | Société à responsabilité limitée (Limited liability company - Congo, Dem. Rep.) |
SARS | South African Revenue Service (South Africa) |
SCA | Suez Canal Authority (Egypt) |
SNIM | Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière de Mauritanie (National Industrial and Mining Company of Mauritania - Mauritania) |
SPF | Seychelles Pensions Fund (Seychelles) |
SPP | Soutien à la politique pétrolière (Support for oil policy - Togo) |
SSF | Social Security Fund (Seychelles) |
SSNIT | Social Security and National Insurance Trust (Ghana) |
STC | Secondary Tax on Companies (South Africa) |
TAF | Taxe sur les armes à feu (Gun tax - Niger) |
TAF | Taxe sur les activités financières (Financial activities tax - Senegal) |
TAFI | Taxe sur les activités financières (Financial activities tax - Niger) |
TAP | Taxe d’apprentissage (Apprenticeship tax - Niger) |
TART | Taxe d’acces au reseau de télécommunications (Telecommunications network access tax - Guinea) |
TARTOP | Taxe sur l’accès au réseau des télécommunications ouvert au public (Tax on access to the telecommunications network open to the public - Mali) |
TATTIE | Taxe sur la terminaison du Trafic International Entrant (Tax on termination of Inbound International Traffic - Niger) |
TBA | Taxe sur les boissons alcoolisés (Tax on alcoholic beverages - Niger) |
TBVC | Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei (South Africa) |
TCA | Taxe sur la chiffre d’affaires (Turnover tax - Cameroon) |
TCFGE | Taxe sur certains frais généraux des entreprises (Tax on certain general business expenses - Niger) |
TCG | Taxe de Consommation sur la carte à Gratter (Consumption tax on the scratch card - Mauritania) |
TCI | Taxe conjoncturelle à l’importation (temporary import tax) (Temporary import tax - Niger) |
TCT | Taxe sur la Consommation Téléphonique (Tax on Telephone Consumption - Guinea) |
TDP | Taxe degréssive de protection (Gradual protection tax - Mali) |
TEA | Taxe d’exploitation artisanale (Artisanal exploitation tax - Niger) |
TEBA | Taxe à l’émission des billets d’avion (Air ticket issuance tax - Togo) |
TEE | Taxe d’État de l’Entreprenant (State Entrepreneur Tax - Côte d’Ivoire) |
TF | Titre foncière (Land title - Mali) |
TFEAR | Taxe forfaitaire sur la réexportation (Flat tax on re-export - Niger) |
TFPNB | Taxes foncières sur les propriétés non bâties (Property taxes on undeveloped properties - Togo) |
TIC | Information and communication technology |
TIPP | Taxe intérieure sur les produits pétroliers (Internal tax on petroleum products - Mali, Niger) |
TJH | Taxe sur les jeux de hasard (Tax on games of chance - Niger) |
TME | Taxe Minière à l’Extraction (Mining Tax on Extraction - Guinea) |
TMT | Tourism Marketing Tax (Seychelles) |
TOFE | Tableau des opérations financières de l’Etat (Table of State financial operations - Congo) |
TPCE | Taxe sur la publicité commerciale extérieure (Tax on outdoor commercial advertising - Niger) |
TPV | Taxe sur les plus-values de cession (Tax on capital gains on sale - Togo) |
TSB | Taxe spécifique sur les boissons (Specific tax on drinks - Congo) |
TSPDF | Taxe spéciale pour la préseration et développement forestier (Special tax for forestry preservation and development - Côte d’Ivoire) |
TSS | Taxe spéciale sur les societés (Special corporate tax - Congo) |
TST | Taxe spécifique sur le tabac (Specific tax on tobacco - Congo) |
TUA | Taxe Unique sur les assurances (Single tax on insurance - Niger) |
TURTEL | Taxe sur l’utilisation du réseau de télécommunication (Tax on the use of the telecommunications network - Niger) |
TVM | Taxe sur les véhicules à moteur (Motor vehicle tax - Togo) |
UEMOA | Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (West African Economic and Monetary Union - Niger) |
UIF | Unemployment Insurance Fund (South Africa) |
VAT | Value added tax |
WAEMU | West African Economic and Monetary Union |
Revenue Statistics in Africa 2024
Facilitation and Trust as Drivers of Voluntary Tax Compliance in Selected African Tax Administrations
Revenue Statistics in Africa
Table of contents