Preparation of this report was managed by Caroline Berchet, under the supervision of Frederico Guanais. The other authors were Marissa Berbegal Ibáñez, Gabriel Di Paolantonio, Nicolás Larraín, Ece Özçelik, and Tom Raitzik Zonenschein. The authors also wish to thank Stefano Scarpetta, Mark Pearson and Francesca Colombo from the OECD Directorate of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, and José Antonio Ardavín and Sofía Blamey Andrusco from OECD Global Relations. Thanks also go to Lucy Hulett and Nathalie Corry for editorial input, to Hannah Whybrow for logistical assistance, and to Guillaume Haquin for resource management support. The completion of this report would not have been possible without the generous support of the European Commission, the EU Regional Facility for Development in Transition and of the German Ministry of Health.
This report has benefited from the expertise and material received from several health officials and bilateral teleconferences with other health experts. The authors are in particular grateful to María Sofía Cuba, Svetlana Doubova, Giancarlo Guevara, Soledad Martínez, Diana Pinto and Martin Sabignoso.
This report has also benefited from the comments of the Brazilian, Costa Rican, Peruvian and Mexican authorities and experts from the OECD Global Relation who reviewed earlier drafts. In particular, this includes Francisco Oviedo, Carolina Peláez Peláez, Cristina Vieira Machado Alexandre, Jimena Limay Castillo, Rolando León Rodriguez, Sofía Blamey Andrusco, Angela Ciceri and José Antonio Ardavín.