Early school leavers often face challenges in engaging with learning and work opportunities. Holistic programmes that combine non-formal specific training, career guidance and support, and socio emotional skills development can enable young people to discover their interests and talents, motivate them to return to school, and equip them to be more competitive in the labour market. Since 1999, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) has been implementing the Project Learning for Young Adults (Projektno učenje mlajših odraslih, PUM-O), and its upgraded version was developed in 2016. This programme targets mainly individuals aged 15-26 without employment or education.
PUM-O – Slovenia
Copy link to DescriptionPUM-O is a non-formal educational programme free of charge designed to engage young adults who have dropped out of school or are at risk of doing so. The programme provides participants with educational opportunities, vocational training, and personal development through project-based learning. The project methodology consists of a highly flexible learning curriculum, which takes into account the social and psychosocial context and/or situations of the learners. It offers a range of support measures, including help with completing education, job search, skills development, (including entrepreneurial skills), and community engagement. The programme also includes discussions on various current issues based on the interests of the participants, as well as creative activities, cooking, socialising, and sports. The programme relies on an individualised approach to provide help and support in all the necessary aspects for young people. Mentors and participants together create an individual plan of work for the participant, giving them an active role in making decisions about the programme’s implementation and ownership of their process. All individuals’ life situations are entirely taken into account in the design of each young person’s plan.
Copy link to OutcomesThe PUM-O programme, aimed at empowering vulnerable young adults aged 15‑26 for successful integration into education and the workforce, has demonstrated significant success. It has a long-standing tradition of over 15 years, with 1 376 individuals participating in 2016. In the last ten years, participation in the programme has increased, especially among younger people. More than half of the participants come are aged 18‑24, but the share of those under the age of 18 has doubled. The programme has been particularly effective in reintegration, with more than 25% of participants finding employment post-programme, and over half maintaining contact with mentors and peers. It is praised for its profound impact on participants’ self-esteem and self-image, enhancing their employment capabilities and social inclusion. Despite its effectiveness, recommendations for improvements include adjusting the duration, mentor training, and better integration into the local community to further increase its success.
This practice also supports the implementation of provisions IV.3 and V.4 of the OECD Recommendation on Creating Better Opportunities for Young People (OECD, 2022[1]).
Further reading
[3] Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (2019), Končno poročilo o izvajanju programa PUM-O (Final report on the implementation of the PUM-O programme), https://www.eu-skladi.si/sl/dokumenti/studije-in-vrednotenja/pumo_koncno-porocilo-final-14032019.pdf.
[4] MOCIS (2024), Projektno učenje mlajših odraslih Plus (PUM-O+), http://www.mocis.si/pum/.
[1] OECD (2022), Recommendation of the Council on Creating Better Opportunities for Young People, https://legalinstruments.oecd.org/en/instruments/OECD-LEGAL-0474.
[2] Regional Development Centre (RDC) (2024), Projektno učenje mlajših odraslih Plus (PUM-O+): Program aktivne politike zaposlovanja, https://rcr-pro.eu/o-programu/.
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