This update highlights the key outcomes of the 2023 OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI) and the latest trends affecting services trade and digital trade. It also indicates best practices and the countries that lead in services reforms. Since 2014, the OECD STRI has been a unique tool providing annual information on regulatory changes that affect trade in 50 countries and 22 key services sectors. The indicators take values between zero and one, with one indicating the most restrictive trade environment. The STRI is complemented by the OECD Digital STRI that measures barriers to trade in digitally enabled services, as well as the OECD intra-EEA STRI that covers barriers within the European Economic Area.
The STRI offers a comprehensive and transparent overview of global trends in services trade regulations, facilitating deeper analysis of the effects of such regulations on trade in services and the wider economy. This year, the STRI covers policy developments on services trade that were made public up until 31 October 2023. The update includes changes introduced through new or amended laws and regulations. As an evidence-based tool, the STRI allows policy makers to benchmark their policies relative to global best practice, and to consider the likely impact of reform options. The STRI also helps trade negotiators identify restrictions that impede trade and is a source of regulatory transparency for businesses seeking to enter foreign markets.