The 2025 edition of the OECD Review of Fisheries was prepared by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Unit of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate (TAD). It was authored and coordinated by Claire Delpeuch (Head of Unit), Will Symes (main author of Chapters 3, 4, and 5), James Innes (main author of Chapters 6 and 7), Fabiana Cerasa (data management and author of Chapter 2), and Amara Steven (main author of Chapter 8), with input from Lorena Rivera Orjuela, Maki Katsube, Peter McNamara, Juan Pablo Rosado, and Yeol-San Seong. Marion Jansen (TAD Director) and Guillaume Gruère (Head of Division) provided strategic guidance. Data visualisation direction was provided by Marc Régnier, while Caitlin Boros and Jennifer Allain provided editorial advice. Martina Abderrahmane and Michèle Patterson prepared the report for publication.
The team is grateful to the OECD Fisheries Committee Delegates for contributing data and expert input and feedback throughout the preparation of this report. The authors also thank colleagues in partner organisations and OECD colleagues in other teams for their precious feedback: Carl-Christian Schmidt (Nordic Marine Think-Tank), João Nunes and Sainabou Taal (World Trade Organisation), Stefania Vanuccinni, Audun Lem, and Rishi Sharma (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), and Jesús Antón, Florence Bossard, Hubertus Gay, Roger Martini, and Martin von Lampe (OECD). The team also thanks the speakers who participated in two expert workshops organised by the OECD in 2023, on Climate Change and Fisheries and Fostering Sustainable Aquaculture, which provided key input for dedicated thematic chapters in the report: Björn Åsgård, François Bastardie, Harry Beeson, Emilie Berger, Tim Benčik, Danielle Blacklock, Eleanor Bors, Angel Calvo, Gemma Cripps, Laurent Daniel, Jean Davis, Hüseyin Dede, Justine Garrett, Barry Green, Jo Heon-Ju, Nathalie Hilmi, Sara Hornborg, Ingrid Kelling, Megan Linwood, Cian Montague, Valentina Šebalj, Paul Tacuri, Olivier Thébaud, Kjersti Vartdaland, and Dong-sik Woo. Finally, the team acknowledges the consultants who collected information on fisheries policies in the non-Member countries that do not directly participate in the work of the Fisheries Committee – German Ponce Diaz and Alamu Rathinasabapathy.