AFS | Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies |
CSIRO | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation |
DisMAP | Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal |
EU | European Union |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FSE | Fisheries Support Estimate |
GHG | Greenhouse gas |
GT | Gross tonnage |
ICES | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
ITQ | Individual transferable quota |
IUU | Illegal, unreported and unregulated |
kg | Kilogramme |
km | Kilometre |
LNG | Liquified natural gas |
MSY | Maximum sustainable yield |
MCS | Monitoring, control and surveillance |
MMCS | Management, monitoring, control and surveillance |
Mt | Million tonnes |
NA | Not available |
NEAFC | North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
RCP | Representative Concentration Pathway |
RFMO | Regional fisheries management organization |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goal |
SME | Small and medium-sized enterprise |
TAC | Total allowable catch |
US | United States |
USD | United States dollar |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
OECD Review of Fisheries 2025
OECD Review of Fisheries