Tiggbee develops short videos with people from the world of work. The professionally produced videos last five minutes and are freely available to schools. Registered schools can work with students to raise questions for the speakers who respond with a new video one week after the initial video is broadcast. Tiggbee broadens student access to first-hand insights from, and allows interaction with, guest speakers about their jobs, careers and pathways into them.
Tiggbee: Video career talks

Resource overview
Website: Tiggbee
Teachers and students can login using popular Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication schemes such as ‘Clever SSO’, 'ClassLink SSO', Google SSO or directly through the Tiggbee website. Each week new individuals representing a different job in a different industry are featured.
The 5-minute professionally produced video Events are released every week and are available to participate in throughout the week. Secondary teachers assign their students to participate by viewing the Event, upvoting questions that they would like to see the speaker respond to, commenting, reviewing, completing worksheets, and submitting questions back to the presenter. Primary teachers watch the Event with their students while upvoting and submitting comments on behalf of their students.
Additionally, schools can create their own local Events whereby local employers have the opportunity to create their own Tiggbee style videos which can then be shared across a local school district.
The following week, response videos from the presenters become available to view. Each week a new video Event and a response video are available.
Teachers and school district administrators use Tiggbee reports to track aspects of career guidance engagement by student, teacher, school, and district. Teachers can receive information on which videos students have viewed and whether they interacted by asking questions or upvoting.
Watch Tiggbee in action: https://vimeo.com/tiggbee/sizzle
Description of technology
Tiggbee uses HD, digital video coupled with response videos presented asynchronously. The platform runs on all popular web browsers requiring no user downloads.
Tiggbee utilizes AWS Serverless & CloudFront technologies to permit virtually an unlimited number of students to engage in video Events across the U.S. or the world. Schools have a tremendous amount of curriculum programs, profiling, and tracking tools available to them; however, the ability to effectively engage students and gain their interest before using these tools is missing. When students have established a correlation to their course studies to a possible career of interest, Tiggbee makes these additional tools more effective. Tiggbee is accessible on mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and desktop computers. The platform requires no downloads and is 100% web based on the most popular browsers.
How the resource makes career guidance more effective, efficient and/or equitable for students
Students located in economically or geographically challenged communities often struggle to see themselves in future career possibilities when they lack exposure to role models, parents, or neighbours that have their background, ethnicity, or gender in these fields. Even if students are taking career-related courses, they are often not introduced to relatable career choices.
Tiggbee breaks down these existing barriers by being free to use, accessible anywhere via the internet. We virtually bring jobs and industries to teachers and students, into the classroom. Eliminating the burden for teachers to continually seek industry connections. Every week, students get to engage with new jobs and industries in a 5-minute capacity.
Tiggbee video Events are easy to fit into existing curriculum workloads. Our Events have almost a 100% repeat weekly engagement, due to a large part that the videos are professional, produced to appeal to the students of today. Additionally, in our experience this generation of students are more comfortable asking questions via text versus asking questions during a live presentation. It is very rare for schools to use Tiggbee once and then not again.
Challenges or potential barriers to use
Lack of access to the internet.
The resource is free of charge.
Support for users
Platform is similar to existing popular video streaming platforms. Optional teacher training is provided. Training is usually around schools creating their own local Events.
It is most effective when the 5 minutes Event is an assignment by the teachers and they take 10 minutes afterwards to discuss the career opportunity with their students.
Additional details
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This resource has been endorsed by Alexandria City Public Schools in Virginia, United States.