Health at a Glance: Europe 2020 is the first step in the State of Health in the EU cycle, an initiative launched by the European Commission in 2016 to assist EU Member States in improving the health of their citizens and the performance of their health systems. While the preparation of this publication was led by the OECD, the Commission provided guidance and substantive input throughout the process, as well as financial support.
This publication would not have been possible without the effort of national data correspondents from the 36 countries covered in this report who have provided most of the data and the metadata.
This report was prepared by a team from the OECD Health Division under the co‑ordination of Gaétan Lafortune. The preparation of Chapter 1 on resilience to the COVID‑19 pandemic was led by Chris James and Guillaume Dedet, with input from Caroline Berchet, Gabriel Di Paolantonio, Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi, Emily Hewlett, Caroline Penn and Eileen Rocard. Chapter 2 on the health and welfare impact of air pollution was prepared by Yevgeniy Goryakin (formerly from the OECD Health Division) and Gaétan Lafortune, with input from Michele Cecchini. Chapter 3 on the health status of populations was prepared by Gaétan Lafortune, Eileen Rocard and Gabriel Di Paolantonio, with input from Emily Hewlett. Chapter 4 on risk factors was prepared by Eileen Rocard, Marion Devaux and Sabine Vuik, with input from Joao Matias from the EMCDDA for the indicator on illegal drug consumption among adults. Michael Mueller prepared Chapter 5 on health expenditure and financing, with input from Gastón Escotto Garcia and David Morgan. Rie Fujisawa prepared Chapter 6 on effectiveness and quality of care under the overall supervision of Niek Klazinga, with input from Gastón Escotto Garcia and Eileen Rocard. Chapter 7 on accessibility was prepared by Gaétan Lafortune, Caroline Berchet, Michael Mueller and Gaëlle Balestat, with input from Marie‑Clémence Canaud and Gabriel Di Paolantonio, as well as from Sarah Thomson, Jorge Alejandro Garcia, Jon Cylus and Tamas Evetovits from the WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Strengthening for the indicator on the financial burden of out-of-pocket spending. This publication benefited from useful comments from Francesca Colombo and Frederico Guanais from the OECD Health Division. Editorial assistance was provided by Marie‑Clémence Canaud, Lucy Hulett and Liv Gudmundson.
The European Commission, in particular DG SANTE’s State of Health in the EU team, provided substantive input and comments on all chapters. Useful input and comments were also received from Eurostat for all chapters, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for Chapter 1 and some indicators in Chapter 6, DG Environment and the European Environment Agency for Chapter 2, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) for the cancer indicators in Chapters 3 and 6, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) for some indicators in Chapter 4, and the CONCORD programme for the cancer indicators in Chapter 6.