AIDS | Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
ALOS | Average length of stay |
ART | Antiretroviral treatment |
BMI | Body mass index |
DALYs | Disability-adjusted life years |
DHS | Demographic and Health Surveys |
DTP | Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
GBD | Global burden of disease |
GDP | Gross domestic product |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer |
IDF | International Diabetes Federation |
IHD | Ischemic heart disease |
MDG | Millennium Development Goals |
MMR | Maternal mortality ratio |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development |
PPP | Purchasing power parities |
SEARO | WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia |
SHA | System of Health Accounts |
TB | Tuberculosis |
UN | United Nations |
UNAIDS | Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS |
UNDESA | United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division |
UNESCAP | United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
UNICEF | United Nations Children’s Fund |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WPRO | WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific |
Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2022
Measuring Progress Towards Universal Health Coverage
Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific