This document provides the second set of outputs of the Review Sharing initiative undertaken by the Working Party on Biocides over the last few years. The Standard Operating Procedure and Harmonised Study Review Forms (HSRF) for the acute studies commonly known as the “6 Pack” acute studies were first published in the report "Sharing of Government Biocides Reviews" in 2019. The Standard Operating Procedure described in that document applies to the new HSRF described in the current publication.
The studies included in this document are the HSRF for the following acute studies: Test Guidelines 429 Skin Sensitisation – Local Lymph Node Assay (Annex A), 437 Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Test Method for Identifying Ocular Corrosives and Severe Irritants (Annex B), and 491 Short-time Exposure for the Detection of Chemicals Causing Serious Eye Damage, and Chemicals not Requiring Classification for Serious Eye Damage or Eye Irritation (Annex C).