108. For Azerbaijan, future rulings are any tax rulings within scope that are issued on or after 1 March 2023.
109. The Azerbaijan tax authority (State Tax Service) can issue tax rulings. A dedicated Working Group, which is led by the Deputy Head of the State Tax Service and consists of the representatives of relevant departments, is responsible for the issuance of the rulings. When a ruling request comes in, this is discussed within the Working Group. When a ruling is issued, it is registered in the electronic system (AVIS) of the State Tax Service by the Secretariat of the Working Group.
110. Specific “Procedural Rules for the Provision of Mutual Assistance on Tax Matters” set out the types of rulings for which information needs to be exchanged and with which jurisdictions. The Working Group has been instructed of the types of rulings that need to be exchanged under the Action 5 transparency framework, and cooperates with the Exchange of Information (EOI) division within the State Tax Services on the identification and exchanges of in-scope rulings. The EOI division has also an access to AVIS and checks on a regular basis (once per month) whether issued rulings meet the criteria and should be exchanged.
111. As part of the Procedural Rules, the Working Group needs to collect from the taxpayer the information on all relevant exchange jurisdictions for each specific type of ruling in line with the BEPS Action 5 report (OECD, 2015[3]), before the ruling is sent to the EOI division.
112. To date, no rulings within the scope of the transparency framework have been issued.