AGT | Angola Revenue Administration |
APA | Advance pricing arrangement |
ATAF | African Tax Administration Forum |
ATR | Advance tax ruling |
BEPS | Base Erosion and Profit Shifting |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
CTS | Common Transmission System |
EOI | Exchange of Information |
EU | European Union |
FHTP | Forum on Harmful Tax Practices |
FTA | Federal Tax Authority (United Arab Emirates) |
GDT | General Directorate of Taxation (Albania) |
IP | Intellectual Property |
ISTD | Income and Sales Tax Department (Jordan) |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PE | Permanent Establishment |
R&D | Research and Development |
SAARC | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation |
SEOI | Spontaneous Exchange of Information |
TAKS | Faroe Islands Tax Administration |
TIEA | Tax Information Exchange Agreements |
ToR | Terms of reference |
WAEMU | West African Economic and Monetary Union |
XML | Extensible Mark-Up Language |
Harmful Tax Practices – 2023 Peer Review Reports on the Exchange of Information on Tax Rulings
Inclusive Framework on BEPS: Action 5
OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project