The report was prepared by the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV) under the leadership of Elsa Pilichowski, Director. The report was drafted by Bruno Monteiro (Policy Analyst, Cluster Lead on Innovation in Public Services), João Lopes (Intern) and Simone Maria Parazzoli (Consultant) of the Division on Innovative, Digital and Open Government (INDIGO) under the guidance and strategic direction of Carlos Santiso (Head of Division) and Marco Daglio (Head of Unit, Observatory of Public Sector Innovation). The project was led by Bruno Monteiro (INDIGO).
The paper benefited from the inputs and insights provided by the participants of the 69th meeting of the Public Governance Committee (PGC) and the delegates of the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation’s Network of National Contact Points (NCP) through specially designed interactive sessions.
The team gratefully acknowledges the review from OECD colleagues Conor Das-Doyle, Brett Carson and Emilie Balbirnie (GIP), Andras Hlacs IPP), Nick Thijs and Jose Diaz (SIGMA), Arturo Rivera Perez, Felipe Gonzalez Zapata, Seong Ju Park, Ricardo Zapata (INDIGO), Mauricio Mejia Galvan (INDIGO), and Toby Baker, Claire Karle, Chiara Varazzani and Haris Khan (INDIGO).
The team also wants to thank to all the innovation managers that contributed with their insights and shared their experiences during the research phase: Siddharth Muchhal (United States), Kristin Karlsrud Haugse (Norway), Laura Preciado de Lorenzo, Fernando De Pablo Martin, Celia Tenes Garcia, Fernando Alvarez Garcia, Antonio Jose Garcia De La Paz, Jorge Alvaro Navas Elorza, David Martin Valles and Francisco De Borja Prieto Ursua (Spain), Virgile Deville (France), Elenor Cacciatore, Ingegerd Widell and Mikael Olstund (Sweden), Colin Flaherty, Eoin Tunstead and Kevin Brady (Ireland), Vincenzo di Nicola, Emanuele Colini and Antonino Cipriani (Italy), Sofia Carvalho, Paulo Nunes and Barbara Barreiros (Portugal), Chul Kim, Jisu Han, Park Ji-yeon, Yoon Hui-jin and Jiso Han (Korea).