This 2024 edition of the OECD’s Global Insurance Market Trends provides an overview and assessment of developments in the insurance industry in 2023, using data from the OECD Global Insurance Statistics (GIS) database.
For several decades, the OECD has collected and analysed data on insurance markets in member countries, including on the number of active companies and their employees, insurance premiums and payments, and portfolio investments. Over time, the framework for this global statistical exercise has come to include key items from the balance sheet and income statement of direct insurers and reinsurers.
The geographical reach of the GIS database has expanded over time. In addition to OECD countries, it also covers a number of non-OECD Latin American (through co-operation with the Association of Latin American Insurance Supervisors, ASSAL), Asian and other jurisdictions.
The Global Insurance Market Trends report and GIS database provide a rich source of comparable cross-country data on insurance markets. They provide a comprehensive source of information that can be used by governmental authorities, the insurance sector, the research community, and consumers.
This report has been developed by the Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division of the OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs. It was prepared by Romain Despalins and Timothy Bishop under the supervision of Pablo Antolin, Head of the Insurance and Pensions Unit, and Serdar Celik, Head of Division. Leigh Wolfrom and Sally Day-Hanotiaux provided input.