The constitution establishes the principle of legal continuity of the Republic of Estonia, which was proclaimed independent on 24 February 1918, occupied by the Soviet Union on 17 June 1940 and subsequently annexed thereto on 6 August 1940. The constitution reflects the idea of legal restoration, which served as a basis for the return to independence and liberation from the Soviet Union on 21 August 1991. The Riigikogu has recently begun to consider the results of a review carried out by the government expert committee on constitutional revision. The committee’s proposals, if adopted, would not alter the basic principles of the constitution but would reinforce the parliamentary and constitutional system of government. The most important proposals are the establishment of a separate constitutional court, reinforcement of civil control over the defence forces, and attribution of the powers of an ombudsman to the legal chancellor. Moreover, amendments may have to be made in view of the accession of Estonia to the European Union; these amendments touch upon a basic principle of the constitution, the principle of sovereignty.
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