With average global temperatures nearly 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels in 2023 and extreme weather events becoming more frequent and intense, governments need to urgently act to accelerate climate change adaptation. This paper highlights the need for a four-step, iterative process for effective climate adaptation policymaking, including 1) climate risk assessment, 2) policy planning and design, 3) implementation, and 4) measurement and evaluation. Effective adaptation requires measurable objectives, whole-of-government co-ordination, stakeholder engagement, sufficient funding, and sound mechanisms to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of policies. Data and methodological limitations are key challenges for sound measurement and evaluation. Specific attention is paid in this paper to the role of multi-level governance and policies for building resilience in food systems due to their vulnerability to climate change.
Climate change adaptation
Policies for a resilient future
OECD Net Zero+ Policy Papers