The process to create and update occupational and training standards is described in the handbook “Process of professional development in basic vocational training”, published by SERI in 2010 and updated in 2017 (SERI, 2017[22]). The process starts with professional organisations (employers’ organisations, trade associations, or other responsible organisations) identifying the need for the creation of a new standard or the update of an existing one in their respective industries. Following the request from professional organisations, a partnership is formed between SERI, professional organisations and cantons, which collectively share the responsibility for the quality of professional development and training (SERI, 2017[22]). The responsibilities of the partners are regulated through the Vocational Training Act and the Vocational Training Ordinance (SERI, 2022[25]). This collaborative framework – which takes practical form in the work of the B&Q Commissions – is vital for ensuring that the development of occupational standards is comprehensive and in line with governing laws.
The development or update of a standard entails defining specific competencies, skills, and knowledge areas necessary for the occupation and follows a competency-based approach to ensure practical relevance. Employers’ organisations play a leading role in the development of the standard content by assessing labour market needs (SERI, 2017[22]). The proposal for a new standard is informed by surveys conducted among companies, as well as cantons, training providers, teachers, and graduates to capture their experiences and needs. In addition, data on the future needs of the industry and the employability of graduates are also collected. SERI oversees the entire process, ensuring that federal standards are met and maintaining a balance in the level and number of skills incorporated into the standards. Each occupational and training standard is accompanied by dedicated assessment plans and qualification procedures that are prepared based on a template provided by SERI. Learners who successfully complete the qualification procedure with a final examination receive the EBA (Federal Certificate of Vocational Education and Training) or the EFZ (Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training). Apprentices who wish to prepare for higher vocational studies can follow a Federal Vocational Baccalaureate course at the same time as their apprenticeship and obtain this qualification at the same time as the EFZ.
Every five years, thanks to surveys sent to the main stakeholders and to analyses of data on future skill needs of the different industries and the employability of recent graduates, the B&Q Commissions review the timeliness and quality of vocational training and evaluates existing occupational and training standards to determine whether any update is necessary (SERI, 2017[22]). Based on its findings, the B&Q Commissions determine the need for action and inform the partnership. The following decisions are possible: (i) no need for action; (ii) there is a need for information and training measures; (iii) the development or adjustment of implementation provisions and other tools to promote quality is necessary; (iv) a partial revision to an existing decree is needed, although no significant changes are made and the structure of the occupational and training standards is retained; and (v) a complete revision of the education ordinance and educational plan is required.
To increase the responsiveness and agility of the process to revise standards, SERI also developed an accelerated procedure. Introduced in 2021, this allows for quick implementation of changes in occupational and training standards and is particularly relevant for professions affected by digital transformation (SERI, 2021[26]). The steps of the accelerated process are identical to the normal process, but stakeholders need to come to a consensus under a binding timeline and raise the necessary resources to complete the process faster. The conditions for the accelerated procedure are the following:
Engagement of all partners: All vocational education partners (cantons, employers’ organisations, and SERI) should support the accelerated process, considering their roles and resources.
Well-planned steps and resources: The planning of the sequence of steps is crucial. It is important to inform external parties in advance and ensure that pedagogical support and necessary resources can be mobilised quickly. Accelerated procedures do not require additional resources but do require concentrated resource allocation over a short period.
Strict adherence to timelines: Project management should create a detailed schedule in consultation with all parties, setting binding milestones. This plan should specify responsibilities and resources.
Flexible and competent work structure: The project team must be readily available and capable of regular exchanges, with members being deployable at short notice if necessary.
Early implementation planning: The implementation of a newly introduced or revised vocational training programme should start early, possibly right after the educational ordinance is finalised.