The OECD created the Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials in 2011 to facilitate this dialogue. This Joint Network brings together the relevant officials who work on the health budget, including representatives from Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Health, and Social Security Organisations. Over the years it has provided a much-needed and appreciated space for government officials to openly discuss challenges and solutions for the fiscal sustainability of health systems.
The OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials
Health expenditure and needs continue to grow, while governments face increasing pressure to reduce deficits. Governments must ensure spending on health is both high-performing and fiscally sustainable. This requires an effective dialogue between government agencies responsible for health and Ministries of Finance.

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Amid rising incomes, rapid technological innovation, and ageing populations, the fiscal sustainability of healthcare systems is becoming increasingly complex. Promoting dialogue among those involved in all aspects of health spending is vital to ensure coordinated policy actions that meet growing healthcare needs whilst maintaining the sustainability of public finances over the long-run.
The OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials serves this purpose through annual meetings for member countries. These meetings provide a platform for senior officials from Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Health, and Social Security Agencies to openly share the latest developments in healthcare budgeting and discuss challenges and solutions for maintaining the fiscal sustainability of healthcare systems.
To learn more about the next meeting, contact
The budget and the budget process are powerful instruments for driving change in the healthcare sector. A well-designed budget process improves how public funds for health are determined, allocated, executed, and evaluated. The OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials works to identify and share good budget practices that can improve the effectiveness of public spending on health and foster a more results-oriented and forward-looking approach.
Learn more: Applying good budgeting practices to health
Governments frequently face difficult decisions on how to prioritise limited financial resources for the health sector. Making these choices requires strong budget and finance systems to ensure that funds are allocated to where they are most valued. The OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials works directly with countries to assess their reform needs and develop tailored policy recommendations, guiding them towards a more robust budget framework for health.
Learn more: Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems - How to Finance More Resilient Health Systems When Money Is Tight?
The fiscal sustainability of healthcare challenge is not unique to OECD countries. Non-OECD countries face similar pressures, while also striving to expand or sustain universal health coverage. Since 2015, the OECD Joint Network of Senior Budget and Health Officials has extended its activities to non-OECD countries. Regional networks operate in Asia, Central Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean. These have been in partnership with global institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Banks, and the World Bank.
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Chris James
Camila Vammalle