FCAN experts are nominated by OECD countries. They participate in annual FCAN meetings and ad hoc virtual events that are facilitated by the OECD Secretariat, and share insights, data, and best practices on topical food systems issues related to ongoing OECD projects. In this way, FCAN informs the work of the OECD, while also enabling peer learning and dialogue among OECD member countries.
Food-Chain Analysis Network
The Food-Chain Analysis Network (FCAN) is an OECD expert group specialised in food systems analysis. In recent years, the FCAN has contributed to OECD work on issues related to environmental sustainability (measurement and communication of the environmental impacts of food products) and food security and nutrition (simplified nutrition labelling policies, food insecurity in OECD countries) and cross-cutting issues (food loss and waste).

Who we are
In 2023 and 2024, the FCAN studied initiatives to measure and communicate environmental impacts of food products. The first hybrid meeting was organised in Paris on 22-23 June 2023. Participants shared experiences on initiatives to measure and/or communicate environmental impacts and discussed governance issues. A series of virtual workshops then looked in more detail at farm-level calculation tools, simplified environmental labelling schemes, carbon footprint standards, consumer behaviour, secondary databases, and interoperability and data sharing issues. These discussions and exchanges were key to OECD work on measuring carbon footprints in food systems and resulted in a draft report suggesting 8 building blocks as essential elements to achieve reliable and widespread product carbon footprint information in agri-food supply chains.
On 10-11 October 2024, the FCAN met again in hybrid format in Paris. Discussions were structured around the eight building blocks identified in the draft report. Participants were asked how essential each building block is, and how likely to fail (in the absence of deliberate effort), and discussed this question through a mix of individual work, breakout sessions, interviews with experts, and plenary discussions. The discussions confirmed the relevance of the eight building blocks, suggested additional key themes (e.g. the role of government), and provided guidance for future OECD work.
FCAN discussions during 2023-24 resulted in the publication of the report “Measuring Carbon Footprints of Agri-Food Products” and the policy brief “Enabling trust in food labels form improved environmental outcomes: Insights from OECD analysis” (forthcoming).
All documents, agendas, and presentations are available for download:
- Measuring carbon footprints of food products, 2024.
- Measuring and communicating environmental impacts of food products: Preliminary insights from national experiences, June 2023.
- Making simplified nutritional food labelling policies: Lessons from national experiences, January 2022.
- “How-to” of simplified food labelling policy making, June 2021.
- New policy approaches for food insecure households, September 2020.

Current focus and upcoming events
In 2024 and 2025, the FCAN will focus on food loss and waste (FLW) measurement and policy evaluation.
Reducing food loss and waste (FLW) plays a critical role in addressing the triple challenge of feeding a growing world population, ensuring the livelihoods of households along the agro-food supply chain, and delivering on climate and environmental sustainability commitments. As highlighted in a recent OECD Working Paper, tracking progress toward SDG target 12.3 of halving global per capita food waste is hindered by inconsistent definitions and metrics across countries and differing national policy approaches to FLW reduction. Reduction targets are often unclear, national policy commitments remain fragmented, and coordination is limited across government entities.
FCAN will serve as a platform for FLW practitioners, experts, and stakeholders to exchange information, share practices, and explore common approaches to enhance FLW data comparability. These insights and discussions could also inform the future development of FLW indicators along the value chain, as well as strengthen the evaluation of FLW policy instruments.
- 13-14 November 2024 – Enhancing comparability of food loss and waste information: from measurement to policy impact.
Past activities
All documents, agendas, and presentations are available for download:
- Policy options for the food system, 2019 | Country responses to the 2018 food data systems questionnaire.
- Improving the Food Information Base to Analyse Health-Related Food Policies, October 2018.
- Information needs for policies to encourage healthier food choices, May 2017.
- Reducing food loss and waste in the retail and processing sectors, June 2016.
- The food chain and consumers, October 2015 | Country responses to the 2014 food price formation questionnaire.
- Public-private partnerships for agricultural innovation, October 2014.
- Competition along the food chain, October 2013.
- Food waste along the supply chain, June 2013.
- Mobilising the food chain for health, October 2012.
- Building a sustainable food chain, September 2011.
- Inaugural network meeting, December 2010.
Virtual workshops:
- 8 November 2023 - Farm-level calculation tools.
- 21 November 2023 - Lessons from simplified nutrition labelling schemes for simplified environmental labelling schemes.
- 5 March 2024 - Carbon footprint standards.
- 21 March 2024 - Environmental sustainability information and consumers food choices.
- 23 April 2024 - Life Cycle Assessment databases for food.
- 28 May 2024 - Interoperability.